Our society has turned the word "diet" into a temporary crash or fad to achieve a certain size or goal. The reality is, our diet should be a way of life . . .
For one to lose weight, the body must receive 3500 calories less or burn 3500 calories more than one has been doing. This is the reason, genuine healthy, weight loss does not happen overnight. Usually by reducing 300-400 calories a day and increasing activity and exercise, one can lose an average of 2 pounds a week.
Keep in mind, also that most of our extra calories are in lack of portion control and unaccounted for calories in quick bites and snacks. Usually, just reducing what we already know is not good for us will have a major impact, not only on our weight, but in how we feel.
First, don't become obsessed with measurements. Our eyes and minds are still pretty sharp to realize if a package says 8 ounces, and a portion is 4 ounces, that's 1/2. Bread comes by the slice. The green and orange veggies can be eaten in quite generously sized portions and a little extra lean meat is not going to be the problem. Rule of thumb for problem areas: added cheese, extra butter, too many sandwiches, and prepackaged snacks.
This is approximately a 1400 calorie, healthy diet with all portions in each category about 70- 80 calories
Freebies - celery, radishes, lettuce, cucumbers
2 Servings of Dairy 2 Servings of Fats
3/4 cup of milk 1 Tbs Butter, margarine is terrible
1 oz. cheese / cr cheese 1 Tbs Sour Cream
1 Tbs Dressing
4 Servings of Meat 4 Servings of Grains
2 oz. Chicken 1 slice of Bread
3 oz. Fish 1/2 - 3/4 C cereal, 1/2 precooked if hot
2 oz. Turkey 8 Saltines
2 oz. Tuna 1/2 Cup Pasta
1/2 Cup Lentils 1/2 Cup Rice
1 oz. Beef Thin slice of angel food cake - no icing
1/2 Cup peas, corn, or lima beans
Medium white potato
6 Servings of Veggies 2 - 3 Servings of Fruit
1 Cup broccoli / cauliflower / beets / squash Medium apple/orange/ small banana
2 Cups greens / cabbage 3/4 Large grapefruit
Medium yam or sweet potato 1 Cup of Berries - Strawberries/blackberries
2 Cups Green beans 1 Cup of Grapes
Most green vegetables can be eaten by the cups full!
The calorie count can be raised or lowered according to your individual body need, but keep the categories in proportion to each other.
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Sunday, December 22, 2013
This Time of Year
I can't help but wonder if we don't go out of our way to cause our bodies to become ill, this time of year. Let's go over just a few inconvenient facts, that may be too late for this year, but I just thought of it.
First, from the end of November through the beginning of January, we are in more crowds than any other time of the year. We touch more dirty money than any other time of year. We touch more food, that's already been touched, than any other time of year. We have more stress than any other time of year. Our diet contains more calories than any other time of year. Our diet is lacking more fresh nutrients than any other time of year. We tend to get less sleep and exercise than any other time of year. We kiss and hug more people than other time of year. Then we wonder why we're sick?
I'm not suggesting we should all become reclusive, but it has it's perks! Seriously, there are some things we can do to eliminate some of the potential for getting sick. Be pro-active! Extra Vitamin C and D make a dramatic difference for our immune system and outlook. I recommend getting our vitamins in our diet, but I'm not opposed to supplements for an added boost. Shorter daylight hours, the change to standard time, many people this time of year, literally do not see any light of day. Sunlight is the natural source of Vitamin D, so supplement.
If you feel a bit under the weather, don't try to "outrun" it or ignore it. If you are reading this, you are on the computer, which is where Google lives. Google natural health remedies like honey and lemon tea with cinnamon. Our Creator made many natural remedies long before man thought of pharmaceuticals. It is best to ward off what's going around, rather than to medically treat something after you contract it. Antibiotics are hard on the digestive system and weaken the immune system.
Wash your hands frequently, and treat dry and cracked skin immediately. If you're sick stay home, think of others. And keep in mind, family gatherings bring a host of different bacteria the various individuals are used to but not all have been exposed to, such as the older folks are not around school children, and the children are not in and out of senior activities, so keep those things in mind. Every place we go has it's own environment for bacteria and at family gatherings, we bring them all together.
Even those who don't participate in all the holiday mayhem, we work with people who do and we're all still going to the grocery store. Those who do not participate are often Sabbath observers, which affords the body a day of rest. The stress factor is greatly reduced on many levels for those who do not participate in the Yule Time events. A few extra supplements, plenty of rest, and good handwashing will go a long way to avoid illness.
First, from the end of November through the beginning of January, we are in more crowds than any other time of the year. We touch more dirty money than any other time of year. We touch more food, that's already been touched, than any other time of year. We have more stress than any other time of year. Our diet contains more calories than any other time of year. Our diet is lacking more fresh nutrients than any other time of year. We tend to get less sleep and exercise than any other time of year. We kiss and hug more people than other time of year. Then we wonder why we're sick?
I'm not suggesting we should all become reclusive, but it has it's perks! Seriously, there are some things we can do to eliminate some of the potential for getting sick. Be pro-active! Extra Vitamin C and D make a dramatic difference for our immune system and outlook. I recommend getting our vitamins in our diet, but I'm not opposed to supplements for an added boost. Shorter daylight hours, the change to standard time, many people this time of year, literally do not see any light of day. Sunlight is the natural source of Vitamin D, so supplement.
If you feel a bit under the weather, don't try to "outrun" it or ignore it. If you are reading this, you are on the computer, which is where Google lives. Google natural health remedies like honey and lemon tea with cinnamon. Our Creator made many natural remedies long before man thought of pharmaceuticals. It is best to ward off what's going around, rather than to medically treat something after you contract it. Antibiotics are hard on the digestive system and weaken the immune system.
Wash your hands frequently, and treat dry and cracked skin immediately. If you're sick stay home, think of others. And keep in mind, family gatherings bring a host of different bacteria the various individuals are used to but not all have been exposed to, such as the older folks are not around school children, and the children are not in and out of senior activities, so keep those things in mind. Every place we go has it's own environment for bacteria and at family gatherings, we bring them all together.
Even those who don't participate in all the holiday mayhem, we work with people who do and we're all still going to the grocery store. Those who do not participate are often Sabbath observers, which affords the body a day of rest. The stress factor is greatly reduced on many levels for those who do not participate in the Yule Time events. A few extra supplements, plenty of rest, and good handwashing will go a long way to avoid illness.
Sunday, December 15, 2013
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Goshen Essentials
We have labels printed, formulas formulated, and information ready to print. I am so excited to be able to make this available at an affordable price. The one glitch I've had is the fact that I simply cannot offer this as a multi-level-marketing opportunity at this time. From my research, that seems to be the main factor in the cost. So, although we cannot offer this as a business opportunity, we will be able to offer some great incentive plans and coupons.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Compromise . . . Trust
I don't usually get too preachy in this section, but the reality is, most folks who claim to believe the Bible also claim to not believe in compromise or mixing holy with profane and yet when it comes to medicine, it is a completely different issue. Why?
The Bible has plenty to say about our diet, health, and numerous promises about wellness. So, what are we afraid of? Do we really have faith in our Creator when we choose other methods of healing? None of us can answer this question for another, but we can clearly see that the health care system that folks have become accustomed to, is crumbling and the one being forced upon our society, doesn't work. Is this a wake-up call?
There are plenty of negative comments from virtually every direction, about the Affordable Care Act. We can clearly see the people who designed and drew it up, don't believe in it, as they won't use it! Many do not want the Health Care Reform and can't afford the premiums. Since the ACA website isn't functioning properly and insurance policies have been cancelled, maybe it's time to just step on into the promises our Creator has been offering all along.
What if this is our invitation into something much better, or at least out of a corrupt system? If you can't trust our leaders with money or amendments, why allow them control of our bodies and of our children? None of us know what the "mark of the beast" will actually look like, but a lot of things happen to people against their will in hospitals, once the consent forms are signed. We need to realize, a signed consent form, is the choice to receive whatever that facility deems to be necessary or appropriate.
If we cannot trust our Creator and His Word with our bodies, are we really sure we can trust Him with our souls?
The Bible has plenty to say about our diet, health, and numerous promises about wellness. So, what are we afraid of? Do we really have faith in our Creator when we choose other methods of healing? None of us can answer this question for another, but we can clearly see that the health care system that folks have become accustomed to, is crumbling and the one being forced upon our society, doesn't work. Is this a wake-up call?
There are plenty of negative comments from virtually every direction, about the Affordable Care Act. We can clearly see the people who designed and drew it up, don't believe in it, as they won't use it! Many do not want the Health Care Reform and can't afford the premiums. Since the ACA website isn't functioning properly and insurance policies have been cancelled, maybe it's time to just step on into the promises our Creator has been offering all along.
What if this is our invitation into something much better, or at least out of a corrupt system? If you can't trust our leaders with money or amendments, why allow them control of our bodies and of our children? None of us know what the "mark of the beast" will actually look like, but a lot of things happen to people against their will in hospitals, once the consent forms are signed. We need to realize, a signed consent form, is the choice to receive whatever that facility deems to be necessary or appropriate.
If we cannot trust our Creator and His Word with our bodies, are we really sure we can trust Him with our souls?
Sunday, November 10, 2013
Necessity Truly is the Mother of Invention
When my daughter was coming to visit last month, she called the day before and asked if I could "come up with something" for little Zoey, she's teething. No pressure there . . . My great granddaughter's first visit and I certainly wanted her to be comfortable and have fun! My heart just breaks for teething babies. They don't have any sense of biting yet, so they don't know to put on the pressure. They cry and they drool and they can't tell us about it. Then once the crying starts, the nose runs, and they're just miserable.
So, right away, I got busy on the project. It was only experimental, so I didn't make a large amount and I didn't come up with any way to preserve it. Actually, I was simply in G-ma mode, without any thought to another product for the company. That's something I'm learning though. If something does help, aid in comfort or soothes, I should at least make it available. Since there is expense in making natural products, I can't just give it away, but I do keep the costs low.
So, they finally arrived and little Miss Zoey and I rocked and talked, while her mama and g-ma brought in all their stuff. My granddaughter, brought all the OTC supplies for teething, but was hoping to avoid medicating her baby. When the baby did start to get fussy and putting her fists to her mouth, my granddaughter asked if I'd made anything. I had, but other than tasting it myself, I had no idea if it would be effective, so I told her to try it and my daughter tried it and we all concurred that the baby could try it.
Within a couple of minutes the fussing stopped. It was all natural, so the timing wasn't an issue and that sweet little girl didn't need any of the OTC supplies her mama had brought. It was effective, but it needed a preservative to be safe. The formula to include a preservative began immediately after the visit and we've even had an adult with a tooth ache get relief from this formula. We'll be unveiling "tootheeZe" in the next catalogue from the Land of Goshen. A wonderful product with a clove base.
So, right away, I got busy on the project. It was only experimental, so I didn't make a large amount and I didn't come up with any way to preserve it. Actually, I was simply in G-ma mode, without any thought to another product for the company. That's something I'm learning though. If something does help, aid in comfort or soothes, I should at least make it available. Since there is expense in making natural products, I can't just give it away, but I do keep the costs low.
So, they finally arrived and little Miss Zoey and I rocked and talked, while her mama and g-ma brought in all their stuff. My granddaughter, brought all the OTC supplies for teething, but was hoping to avoid medicating her baby. When the baby did start to get fussy and putting her fists to her mouth, my granddaughter asked if I'd made anything. I had, but other than tasting it myself, I had no idea if it would be effective, so I told her to try it and my daughter tried it and we all concurred that the baby could try it.
Within a couple of minutes the fussing stopped. It was all natural, so the timing wasn't an issue and that sweet little girl didn't need any of the OTC supplies her mama had brought. It was effective, but it needed a preservative to be safe. The formula to include a preservative began immediately after the visit and we've even had an adult with a tooth ache get relief from this formula. We'll be unveiling "tootheeZe" in the next catalogue from the Land of Goshen. A wonderful product with a clove base.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Seasonal Aches and Pains
Many I speak with have "body issues" as the weather changes. Health issues is a bit strong to use in the description, but for some of us the body does let us know the weather is changing. This isn't about colds and flu, it's about old injury spots, arthritis, and some syndromes such as fibromyalgia. I have MS, and to be honest, it does a little better in the cooler weather, but the old injuries I've sustained from the falls serve as unpleasant reminders in cooler weather.
I don't take any pharmaceuticals, including over the counter analgesics. I know people who take pain relievers regularly, and not only are they potentially addictive, but there are so many side effects that can cause other problems. As an herbalist, I can tell you even in using what our Creator provided, we need to remember, if something contains properties to address symptoms effectively, then it can also offer some adverse properties when used improperly. I do have some herbal capsules on hand, a natural remedy cabinet, but I prefer topical oils and ointments.
When I broke my arm last year, YHWH gave me a wonderful formula to be applied topically for pain relief. CHINICREEN is in big demand at Tribally Yours! I also have formulated a balm for sore muscles. So many people literally live in pain, and our society is so programmed to "pop a pill" for everything, that we may be making ourselves sicker than we know. Keep in mind, even what we put on our skin is absorbed into the body, but it does bypass the stomach, where many pain relievers can cause serious side affects.
Our Creator knew what was coming before He ever created us, so He did create the remedies we would need. Please, as the winter weather causes those old aches and pains, consider a natural remedy, a truly natural remedy. If you are reading this, then you have access to Google. Check ingredients before putting anything in or on your body!
If you choose to take the natural route, be sure to check the carrier oil in the contents as well. Mineral oil is a petroleum product!
I don't take any pharmaceuticals, including over the counter analgesics. I know people who take pain relievers regularly, and not only are they potentially addictive, but there are so many side effects that can cause other problems. As an herbalist, I can tell you even in using what our Creator provided, we need to remember, if something contains properties to address symptoms effectively, then it can also offer some adverse properties when used improperly. I do have some herbal capsules on hand, a natural remedy cabinet, but I prefer topical oils and ointments.
When I broke my arm last year, YHWH gave me a wonderful formula to be applied topically for pain relief. CHINICREEN is in big demand at Tribally Yours! I also have formulated a balm for sore muscles. So many people literally live in pain, and our society is so programmed to "pop a pill" for everything, that we may be making ourselves sicker than we know. Keep in mind, even what we put on our skin is absorbed into the body, but it does bypass the stomach, where many pain relievers can cause serious side affects.
Our Creator knew what was coming before He ever created us, so He did create the remedies we would need. Please, as the winter weather causes those old aches and pains, consider a natural remedy, a truly natural remedy. If you are reading this, then you have access to Google. Check ingredients before putting anything in or on your body!
If you choose to take the natural route, be sure to check the carrier oil in the contents as well. Mineral oil is a petroleum product!
Sunday, October 27, 2013
Will 50 Cloves of Garlic Kill a Cold or Just you Love Life?
Research shows there just might be a connection between our "social interactions" and illness . . .
The truth of the matter is this. Whether it's 1 clove in your marinara sauce or 50 + cloves in your soup, garlic affects breath immediately, regardless of quantity.
As the cold and flu season descend upon us, there is the question as to whether garlic actually fights colds and flu or just keeps people at enough distance that the garlic user is not exposed. Historically, garlic has been used as a natural antibacterial agent. Consider adding some garlic, at least to your evening meal . . .
For worktime garlic ingestion,Tribally Yours, LLC is now producing and selling a natural Breath Freshener called: "Smart Mouth."
Will 50 Cloves of Garlic Kill a Cold or Just you Love Life?
Research shows there just might be a connection between our "social interactions" and illness . . .
The truth of the matter is this. Whether it's 1 clove in your marinara sauce or 50 + cloves in your soup, garlic affects breath immediately, regardless of quantity.
As the cold and flu season descend upon us, there is the question as to whether garlic actually fights colds and flu or just keeps people at enough distance that the garlic user is not exposed. Historically, garlic has been used as a natural antibacterial agent. Consider adding some garlic, at least to your evening meal . . .
For worktime garlic ingestion,Tribally Yours, LLC is now producing and selling a natural Breath Freshener called: "Smart Mouth."
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Headache Remedies and Prevention
People who suffer frequent headaches, be they tension or migraines, know headaches truly affect the quality of life. There are many prescriptions on the market, as well as over the counter drugs to combat headache pain, and to prevent migraines. Our society is so symptom focused, we overlook the fact that pain, even headache pain is a symptom, rather than the actual problem. Headaches can be caused from everything from temporary eye strain to brain tumors, and of course, most reasons are between those two. Stress is a big factor in what is termed a tension headache and vessel constriction is often found in the diagnoses of migraines. Addressing the cause is key to the actual elimination of the headache, rather than just masking the symptom of headache pain.
I have to be very careful to watch that line that is drawn between suggestions, and practicing medicine without a license, so I'm sharing a link with a recipe and tutorial. I will say this. Headaches were one of the symptoms I experienced with MS and years ago before stepping out of mainstream medicine, all together, I was literally dependent upon the medication to prevent a headache. Now, after over a decade of being completely medication free, including aspirin and Tylenol, using exclusively on herbal remedies for the past twelve years, I actually experience very few headaches, now. Of course, going natural involves more than just using an herb like a prescription, it often involves some changes in lifestyles and habits, as well.
I have to be very careful to watch that line that is drawn between suggestions, and practicing medicine without a license, so I'm sharing a link with a recipe and tutorial. I will say this. Headaches were one of the symptoms I experienced with MS and years ago before stepping out of mainstream medicine, all together, I was literally dependent upon the medication to prevent a headache. Now, after over a decade of being completely medication free, including aspirin and Tylenol, using exclusively on herbal remedies for the past twelve years, I actually experience very few headaches, now. Of course, going natural involves more than just using an herb like a prescription, it often involves some changes in lifestyles and habits, as well.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
Teething eZe
Tribally Yours, LLC will be showcasing a new product soon. When my daughter was coming to visit, she informed me that my great granddaughter was cutting teeth and needed some relief. One of the amazing things about our Creator is, He has created all sorts of comforts for us, if we just seek.
In preparing for the visit, I decided I better mix up something, since the request had been made. I could not wait to hold that baby, so when they arrived, I was in the glider talking to a very smiley little baby girl. They said she'd been cranky all the way down, but as children will, she made liars out of both of them! I truly can't say she wasn't cranky in the car, but she was grinning and talking in my living room.
When she did begin to get hungry, the teething discomfort became obvious. My granddaughter had packed all the traditional "teething comforts" including baby pain reliever, but she agreed to try the "natural stuff."
In Googling teething products, before making my formula, I was shocked at the things they put into the commercial products. I saw dyes of various numbers, even saccharin in one brand, and the medication that is the base for all of them comes with enough warnings, I sure wouldn't want to introduce it to a baby that is already feeling bad. Babies can't tell us what's wrong, and I wouldn't know if the teething or the treatment was causing some of the potential problems listed.
I had already tried the formula I had come up with, and I insisted that Gma and Mama try it too. They both commented on how little taste there was, but wasn't sure it would make a difference . . . Little Miss Zoey calmed right down after her Mama rubbed it on her gums. By the end of the visit, my granddaughter told me she'd be needing more. As soon as I am able to include a natural preservative, "Teething eZe" will be available.
YHWH truly does make the best remedies!
In preparing for the visit, I decided I better mix up something, since the request had been made. I could not wait to hold that baby, so when they arrived, I was in the glider talking to a very smiley little baby girl. They said she'd been cranky all the way down, but as children will, she made liars out of both of them! I truly can't say she wasn't cranky in the car, but she was grinning and talking in my living room.
When she did begin to get hungry, the teething discomfort became obvious. My granddaughter had packed all the traditional "teething comforts" including baby pain reliever, but she agreed to try the "natural stuff."
In Googling teething products, before making my formula, I was shocked at the things they put into the commercial products. I saw dyes of various numbers, even saccharin in one brand, and the medication that is the base for all of them comes with enough warnings, I sure wouldn't want to introduce it to a baby that is already feeling bad. Babies can't tell us what's wrong, and I wouldn't know if the teething or the treatment was causing some of the potential problems listed.
I had already tried the formula I had come up with, and I insisted that Gma and Mama try it too. They both commented on how little taste there was, but wasn't sure it would make a difference . . . Little Miss Zoey calmed right down after her Mama rubbed it on her gums. By the end of the visit, my granddaughter told me she'd be needing more. As soon as I am able to include a natural preservative, "Teething eZe" will be available.
YHWH truly does make the best remedies!
Monday, October 7, 2013
Before Cold and Flu Season
We are researching the reports and data regarding the safety of flu shots. I don't take them and I would never recommend them, but good reporting requires documentation, so next week, the most recent and extensive information available will be posted. Meanwhile, back at the ranch . . .
The weather is changing and we associate cooler weather with the onset of cold and flu season. Truth be told, I'd like to know how the two really do relate. I'm not so sure that it has to do with the weather so much as our herd mentality. School begins, as well as increased social settings. A real simple concept that just entered my awareness is the fact that many summer activities either involve people having space and not confined in enclosed areas, and the large gatherings often involve pools and water parks, which involves chlorine.
Shorter daylight hours alter our outlook and of course our Vitamin D. The fact that more and more of our society spends less and less time outdoors or even interacting makes school time and family gatherings even more fraught with potential exchanges of viruses and illness. Our immune systems are so burdened by chemicals and unnatural remedies, we are constantly in a weakened state. Add to it, kissing people you see once a year adds to our exposure to viruses and bacteria we are not used to.
Our bodies become accustomed to the germs in our own environment. That's why I suggest not using hand sanitizer regularly at home. Except in the case of extra company or a new baby everyone should be pretty accustomed to the unique environment of their own household. Use it once a day when coming in from work, school, or shopping, and allow your immune system to be strengthened. I also suggest removal of "anti-bacterial soap" as that is overkill. Research indicates all soap is anti-bacterial, but the ones labeled as such, often have actual antibiotic properties added. At that same time, take additional Vitamin C and if you are prone to catching everything that goes around, add some elderberry to your daily regimen.
*This information is not intended for diagnosis or treatment, but only offered as natural prevention.
The weather is changing and we associate cooler weather with the onset of cold and flu season. Truth be told, I'd like to know how the two really do relate. I'm not so sure that it has to do with the weather so much as our herd mentality. School begins, as well as increased social settings. A real simple concept that just entered my awareness is the fact that many summer activities either involve people having space and not confined in enclosed areas, and the large gatherings often involve pools and water parks, which involves chlorine.
Shorter daylight hours alter our outlook and of course our Vitamin D. The fact that more and more of our society spends less and less time outdoors or even interacting makes school time and family gatherings even more fraught with potential exchanges of viruses and illness. Our immune systems are so burdened by chemicals and unnatural remedies, we are constantly in a weakened state. Add to it, kissing people you see once a year adds to our exposure to viruses and bacteria we are not used to.
Our bodies become accustomed to the germs in our own environment. That's why I suggest not using hand sanitizer regularly at home. Except in the case of extra company or a new baby everyone should be pretty accustomed to the unique environment of their own household. Use it once a day when coming in from work, school, or shopping, and allow your immune system to be strengthened. I also suggest removal of "anti-bacterial soap" as that is overkill. Research indicates all soap is anti-bacterial, but the ones labeled as such, often have actual antibiotic properties added. At that same time, take additional Vitamin C and if you are prone to catching everything that goes around, add some elderberry to your daily regimen.
*This information is not intended for diagnosis or treatment, but only offered as natural prevention.
Sunday, September 29, 2013
Cold and Flu
Many of our articles offer the perspective of our journalists, but since it is the strict promise of the staff of the Goshen Gazette to "not tell you how to think or what to think, but provide information you might want to think about," as an herbalist, I want to offer this link for consideration.
As we get more into the cold and flu season, we'll be posting articles and links for maintaining health, naturally.
As we get more into the cold and flu season, we'll be posting articles and links for maintaining health, naturally.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
We seem to be clinging to a theme this week, so I'll bring it home here with the Farmacist Is In. The awareness of heirloom seeds is gaining ground. [pun intended] The integrity of the food supply will have a direct affect on our health. As we mentioned in another article, health care costs are skyrocketing, and what we're not being told, is our food is a big part of the problem.
Big Pharma and Big Ag have had a wonderful time becoming big, but now there's a problem. They are bigger than their customers/consumers can support. So now what? Enlist the government to mandate! That's been done through the Supreme Court now for years, and that also has run it's course.
As our nation has become more dependent for our very sustainability, we've become more gullible and unfortunately more impoverished. The old adage "healthy, wealthy, and wise" linked those three words with good cause. They go hand in hand. It is wisdom to take care of your body and manage your finances. When we financed our own health, we took better care of it. When our finances depended upon our health to work, we took better care of it!
One hundred years ago, if a farmer didn't til his land, plant and harvest in season, he went hungry. Or if a business man in town didn't open his shop, he didn't have any income. People used to be motivated to be healthy to live. Now people remain in horrible stages of "unhealth" to not die. People used to work to eat. Now food is provided without working.
The only solution to this dire situation is to resolve this on an individual basis. There is no program to fix this. Each of us must determine how valuable our health truly is to us. Once that is determined, we must do what it takes to accomplish the health we want to enjoy. Diet is the beginning, and the only food that truly has the nutritional value that our Creator designed is produced in soil by heirloom seeds.
Big Pharma and Big Ag have had a wonderful time becoming big, but now there's a problem. They are bigger than their customers/consumers can support. So now what? Enlist the government to mandate! That's been done through the Supreme Court now for years, and that also has run it's course.
As our nation has become more dependent for our very sustainability, we've become more gullible and unfortunately more impoverished. The old adage "healthy, wealthy, and wise" linked those three words with good cause. They go hand in hand. It is wisdom to take care of your body and manage your finances. When we financed our own health, we took better care of it. When our finances depended upon our health to work, we took better care of it!
One hundred years ago, if a farmer didn't til his land, plant and harvest in season, he went hungry. Or if a business man in town didn't open his shop, he didn't have any income. People used to be motivated to be healthy to live. Now people remain in horrible stages of "unhealth" to not die. People used to work to eat. Now food is provided without working.
The only solution to this dire situation is to resolve this on an individual basis. There is no program to fix this. Each of us must determine how valuable our health truly is to us. Once that is determined, we must do what it takes to accomplish the health we want to enjoy. Diet is the beginning, and the only food that truly has the nutritional value that our Creator designed is produced in soil by heirloom seeds.
Sunday, September 15, 2013
Avoid Illness With Diet
Here is a link to an exhaustive list of clean and unclean foods. Better health begins with our diet.
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Real Change
Having a chronic auto-immune disease myself, I do try to keep track of the latest studies. I believe I do very well, and although I am not healed, I have remained physically active for ore than 30 years following the diagnosis. I was diagnosed with MS before aspartame was on the market, so the possibility that it could make me worse, didn't even enter my mind at the time. I have secondary progressive MS. I'm not telling my own personal health to evoke sympathy or the latest "cures." I'm using myself as a warning for those who, like myself, have a diagnosis, but may be attributing methanol toxicity to disease symptoms.
With the diagnosis of MS, a lousy marriage, less physical energy, extra weight became an added factor. Fortunately, there was a new sweetener on the market! Aspartame! I could make myself the most wonderful flavored coffees in the evenings without adding major calories to my intake. That was eons before Starbucks. Life began to change. As a matter of fact, my lousy marriage was improved with a divorce, and as I got out of that funky rut, my energy began to pick up and the weight began to fall away, and my social life picked up, so although I was still using Aspartame, evenings alone with coffee and Aspartame became fewer and farther between. As I struggled with certain symptoms, I could always enjoy the denial I reveled in, either attributing the symptoms to an old injury, or the illness.
I began my trek with MS through the days of medicine for symptom management and surgery for removing problematic organs that were "unnecessary," and hospitalizations for bedrest when nothing else helped. I realize, that makes no sense in retrospect, but it was neatly packaged in the mid 80's. By the 90's it was time to face the facts squarely. I was losing about a month a year cumulatively, to body issues, and other things were just not right; all easily attributed to MS. It was then time to come out and talk about the MS, although I was still smoking and ingesting aspartame.
A major exacerbation left me pretty frightened and very aware that allopathic medicine did not have the answers for what was wrong with me. My diagnosis was even changed from progressive relapsing MS to primary progressive MS. My world grew dark and I awaited a dismal fate. It was with that new guestimation and prognosis, I began to earnestly seek what I might do differently. It was in that search, I stumbled across chelation and what was probably very early reports of why heating aspartame could be hazardous to one's health.
I didn't stop the allopathic meds at that time, but I did stop the artificial sweetener. That did not rectify every symptom I had, but it did alleviate some of the latest problems that had manifested and within a few weeks, I was back to my progressive relapsing MS symptoms. To this day, I can honestly say, I'm not symptom free, but, at least; I am not suffering methanol toxicity.
I would encourage all those who have been using the artificial sweetener containing aspartame to consider a change of habit. I'm not saying all diagnosed problems will disappear, but I do know this. The symptoms of methanol toxicity subside fairly quickly when ingestion ceases.
Artificial sweeteners are not the answer to reduce caloric intake. Artificial sweeteners actually often cause the body to crave more sweets, which exacerbates the reason for artificial sweeteners to begin with. To date there is no physical need for methanol toxicity. For weight management, a real change of diet and exercise is still what's needed.
With the diagnosis of MS, a lousy marriage, less physical energy, extra weight became an added factor. Fortunately, there was a new sweetener on the market! Aspartame! I could make myself the most wonderful flavored coffees in the evenings without adding major calories to my intake. That was eons before Starbucks. Life began to change. As a matter of fact, my lousy marriage was improved with a divorce, and as I got out of that funky rut, my energy began to pick up and the weight began to fall away, and my social life picked up, so although I was still using Aspartame, evenings alone with coffee and Aspartame became fewer and farther between. As I struggled with certain symptoms, I could always enjoy the denial I reveled in, either attributing the symptoms to an old injury, or the illness.
I began my trek with MS through the days of medicine for symptom management and surgery for removing problematic organs that were "unnecessary," and hospitalizations for bedrest when nothing else helped. I realize, that makes no sense in retrospect, but it was neatly packaged in the mid 80's. By the 90's it was time to face the facts squarely. I was losing about a month a year cumulatively, to body issues, and other things were just not right; all easily attributed to MS. It was then time to come out and talk about the MS, although I was still smoking and ingesting aspartame.
A major exacerbation left me pretty frightened and very aware that allopathic medicine did not have the answers for what was wrong with me. My diagnosis was even changed from progressive relapsing MS to primary progressive MS. My world grew dark and I awaited a dismal fate. It was with that new guestimation and prognosis, I began to earnestly seek what I might do differently. It was in that search, I stumbled across chelation and what was probably very early reports of why heating aspartame could be hazardous to one's health.
I didn't stop the allopathic meds at that time, but I did stop the artificial sweetener. That did not rectify every symptom I had, but it did alleviate some of the latest problems that had manifested and within a few weeks, I was back to my progressive relapsing MS symptoms. To this day, I can honestly say, I'm not symptom free, but, at least; I am not suffering methanol toxicity.
I would encourage all those who have been using the artificial sweetener containing aspartame to consider a change of habit. I'm not saying all diagnosed problems will disappear, but I do know this. The symptoms of methanol toxicity subside fairly quickly when ingestion ceases.
Artificial sweeteners are not the answer to reduce caloric intake. Artificial sweeteners actually often cause the body to crave more sweets, which exacerbates the reason for artificial sweeteners to begin with. To date there is no physical need for methanol toxicity. For weight management, a real change of diet and exercise is still what's needed.
Sunday, September 1, 2013
Green Beans
Since I have been blessed with a plethora of green beans, I did a bit of research between picking and canning and freezing . . . I find it interesting that green beans are said to actually help boost the body's ability to produce insulin. What a great thing to know in this diabetes plague! The problem, is this. People cannot gain access to this wonderful remedy designed by our Creator without either growing their own or finding a friend who will share.
Food co-ops are regulated through the roof, and to obtain the certification of "organic" to sell at Farmer's Markets is an expensive outrage. Now, with this information, many would call me a conspiracy theorist, that our government uses the USDA and FDA to limit the population's access to natural remedies. Well, call me what you want. This is the information I discovered!
The USDA and FDA approve all sorts of genetic engineering, herbicides, pesticides, as just regular run of the mill products, but to be certified organic is a relatively invasive procedure and costly. I can't help but wonder, since green beans are so vital in insulin production and diabetes is so rampant, if perhaps the meddling has rendered the fresh produce and canned goods, impotent in their nutritional support.
Here's the deal and I've got photos to back me. I, do have a two rows of green beans that are approximately thirty feet in length, but I made a point of measuring off a section. These, of course, are not stemmed, washed or snapped, but this harvest was picked from just two feet of beans. I'd already harvested from those plants four days earlier and there were small beans already formed for at least one more picking of this same general amount.
Food co-ops are regulated through the roof, and to obtain the certification of "organic" to sell at Farmer's Markets is an expensive outrage. Now, with this information, many would call me a conspiracy theorist, that our government uses the USDA and FDA to limit the population's access to natural remedies. Well, call me what you want. This is the information I discovered!
The USDA and FDA approve all sorts of genetic engineering, herbicides, pesticides, as just regular run of the mill products, but to be certified organic is a relatively invasive procedure and costly. I can't help but wonder, since green beans are so vital in insulin production and diabetes is so rampant, if perhaps the meddling has rendered the fresh produce and canned goods, impotent in their nutritional support.
Here's the deal and I've got photos to back me. I, do have a two rows of green beans that are approximately thirty feet in length, but I made a point of measuring off a section. These, of course, are not stemmed, washed or snapped, but this harvest was picked from just two feet of beans. I'd already harvested from those plants four days earlier and there were small beans already formed for at least one more picking of this same general amount.
Point being, I would rather go to the trouble to figure out a way to raise fresh organic produce as think about taking a shot the rest of my life and all the potential health issues that come with diabetes. Green beans aren't a cure for diabetes. That's the thing about natural and organic. If we begin to eat healthier, a diagnosis of a health condition may never occur.
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Get Outdoors!
I celebrated the cooler weather earlier this month, with open windows in August. It was truly glorious, but the real August weather has returned and the air conditioner is once again, running. This past week has been wonderful and very accomplished, but my back was up against the wall, so to speak with some web decisions, and the stress was noticeable. I didn't get to be outdoors enjoying the cool refreshing weather as much as I had hoped to.
In my mind, I could hear my Grandma's voice talking to my cousins and I, when we were kids. Anytime someone had to be cooped up for a time with an illness or when we were at her house and started getting a bit rambunctious, she say, "Go out and blow the stink off!" Our bodies need Vitamin D and sunshine is one of the best sources.
Whether it's cabin fever, spring fever, or just cooped up on a project, we need to take time to be outdoors. I can't say for certain, but there's no Scriptural evidence of a building in the Garden of Eden! I would even hazard a guess, as to say, too much time under fluorescent lights and in small cubicles is probably causing the increase use of psychotropic medications, anti-depressants, and mood elevators. Not to mention, blood pressure issues and heart palpitations. I'm just mentioning the things I thought I could have experienced, if the pressure I faced this week for one project, was a lifestyle rather than a single event. I felt myself, just longing to be outdoors, in the sunshine.
I went to bed one evening, fully aware that I would not do well in the general work force. It's an amazing blessing to work from home and be able to go outdoors any time. I was working so hard the other evening, and right up to the window appeared Avalon, letting me know, the sun wasn't waiting. It was time to do chores. The sun just doesn't shine indoors. We truly do need to make a point of embracing the great outdoors and healthy dose of Vitamin D.
In my mind, I could hear my Grandma's voice talking to my cousins and I, when we were kids. Anytime someone had to be cooped up for a time with an illness or when we were at her house and started getting a bit rambunctious, she say, "Go out and blow the stink off!" Our bodies need Vitamin D and sunshine is one of the best sources.
Whether it's cabin fever, spring fever, or just cooped up on a project, we need to take time to be outdoors. I can't say for certain, but there's no Scriptural evidence of a building in the Garden of Eden! I would even hazard a guess, as to say, too much time under fluorescent lights and in small cubicles is probably causing the increase use of psychotropic medications, anti-depressants, and mood elevators. Not to mention, blood pressure issues and heart palpitations. I'm just mentioning the things I thought I could have experienced, if the pressure I faced this week for one project, was a lifestyle rather than a single event. I felt myself, just longing to be outdoors, in the sunshine.
I went to bed one evening, fully aware that I would not do well in the general work force. It's an amazing blessing to work from home and be able to go outdoors any time. I was working so hard the other evening, and right up to the window appeared Avalon, letting me know, the sun wasn't waiting. It was time to do chores. The sun just doesn't shine indoors. We truly do need to make a point of embracing the great outdoors and healthy dose of Vitamin D.
Sunday, August 18, 2013
We are Quickly Approaching Autumn
We, naturalists, have to be very careful in how we make recommendations, so we are not "practicing medicine without a license." I'm not practicing medicine, I'm seeking the health designed by our Creator, and sharing what I find, when I think it might be helpful to others.
Before I left mainstream medicine, I didn't get flu shots. I had one experience, many years ago as a child, that left me completely sure, I wouldn't do that again, and I didn't. Of course leaving the promoted medical preferences of our society has gotten me a lot of advice, but . . . for whatever reason, people who believe in pharmaceuticals can give advice all day long and they don't incur problems about practicing without a licence.
What is posted below, I haven't tried yet. I just found it this week, and wanted to share it. I'm not so sure about waiting until symptoms occur. I promote more of a preventative plan. Extra garlic in dinner entrees and extra Vitamin C at breakfast is a great idea when school starts, throughout the cold and flu season.
I will offer this. Garlic is a natural immune builder or maybe it just causes other folks to keep a distance . . . kidding. Garlic is great for the immune system. Ginger and cayenne are both wonderful for stomach issues, and honey and lemon are great for scratchy throats.
Do with this as you will. We're just making the information readily available.
Sunday, August 11, 2013
If Big Pharma Could Patent Pot
The title of this article, I believe, says it all. Marijuana is a plant, hemp used to be legal, and there were many natural remedies that could actually be purchased from the local apothecary until . . .
Medicine became powerful! The medical industry is huge and getting bigger by the day. Now we are consuming laboratory products for our dietary and our health care while rendering creation obsolete and or illegal. I know I'm not the only one seeing this or questioning it.
I've included an article that I find interesting as well as potentially ground breaking.
I was so glad to see that her parents went ahead and took the risk. I was very thankful for the gentlemen that worked with them and the plants while taking a huge risk, since it was a child involved. I have given considerable thought to this natural remedy from three perspectives. One, as an herbalist who believes fully in our Creator, I have studied the value of what He made and the Instructions He's given. Two, as a person with MS, I've read some really positive reports regarding the use of cannabis in symptom management, but it isn't legal in my state, therefore I don't use it. Three, I don't believe in medical health care as it is. For religious reasons, I believe 100% of my health care is between my Creator and myself, so I don't go to doctors and I don't use prescriptions or OTC chemicals. I haven't had so much as a Tylenol or even a Tums in over 12 years,.
This fact, from an herbalist perspective is probably the main reason cannabis remains illegal. Herbalists are considered quacks and have no credibility in the current health care system. The only scientific studies that are well funded for research are done for patent purposes, which brings me to the problem. The Supreme Court just ruled that something naturally occurring cannot be patented. With no patent, there is no exclusive ownership, therefore no trademark profits.
I want it recorded today, the 11th day of August 2013. The day someone discovers a way to patent pot, the federal law will change. It will be trademarked, it will be regulated, it will be controlled, it will be taxed, and it will be owned! And once it can be exclusively owned, it will be legal.
Medicine became powerful! The medical industry is huge and getting bigger by the day. Now we are consuming laboratory products for our dietary and our health care while rendering creation obsolete and or illegal. I know I'm not the only one seeing this or questioning it.
I've included an article that I find interesting as well as potentially ground breaking.
I was so glad to see that her parents went ahead and took the risk. I was very thankful for the gentlemen that worked with them and the plants while taking a huge risk, since it was a child involved. I have given considerable thought to this natural remedy from three perspectives. One, as an herbalist who believes fully in our Creator, I have studied the value of what He made and the Instructions He's given. Two, as a person with MS, I've read some really positive reports regarding the use of cannabis in symptom management, but it isn't legal in my state, therefore I don't use it. Three, I don't believe in medical health care as it is. For religious reasons, I believe 100% of my health care is between my Creator and myself, so I don't go to doctors and I don't use prescriptions or OTC chemicals. I haven't had so much as a Tylenol or even a Tums in over 12 years,.
This fact, from an herbalist perspective is probably the main reason cannabis remains illegal. Herbalists are considered quacks and have no credibility in the current health care system. The only scientific studies that are well funded for research are done for patent purposes, which brings me to the problem. The Supreme Court just ruled that something naturally occurring cannot be patented. With no patent, there is no exclusive ownership, therefore no trademark profits.
I want it recorded today, the 11th day of August 2013. The day someone discovers a way to patent pot, the federal law will change. It will be trademarked, it will be regulated, it will be controlled, it will be taxed, and it will be owned! And once it can be exclusively owned, it will be legal.
Sunday, August 4, 2013
What Do Other Creatures Do?
In assessing the changes needed for human health, I've of course sought Scripture, thus natural solutions by our Creator, but I've also watched the animals.
Chickens are interesting in that unlike mammals, their babies have no option but to learn to eat right away! There is not even a time, like wild birds, of the mother bringing the food to the nest. Little chickens learn to eat and drink, day two. They live off the lining of the egg shell the first day, and then it's pick and scratch for the rest of their lives. Now mama hen still broods over them at night for over a month, until the day she leads them to the roost, but her mothering is far from coddling. It has to be, for her chicks to survive.
I have a nice herd of goats, and I've certainly learned a lot watching them. Even with my milk goats, I don't take the kids off their mothers to bottle feed them. I feel very strongly that what their mothers teach them in the early weeks of life are imperative to their health and long term survival. Goats forage, so the young ones need to learn what's good and what isn't. I have a fair knowledge base of that, but I'm not out with them all day to nudge them away or allow them just enough to survive it, but not go back to it. Since goats are herd animals, I need at least two, and to honor my Sabbath understanding, I only milk once a day.
This has proven to be a very productive method for me. Once the kids are eating a bit, at 8 days, I separate mothers and babies for about 8 hours in the day time. That correlates with allowing them the early morning and evening grazing time together. The babies are with mom from evening until morning getting milk and learning what is good, then for eight hours the kids are penned with hay and to play, then back to moms after milking.
I say all this in this section for two very good human reasons. First, free range eggs, chicken without arsenic, and raw milk are better for humans than what is being put into our food supply. Second, I've learned from watching the moms that we humans need to do a better job of teaching our children what is good for them and what will cause them problems later in life. Good farmacy beats pharmaceuticals any day!
Chickens are interesting in that unlike mammals, their babies have no option but to learn to eat right away! There is not even a time, like wild birds, of the mother bringing the food to the nest. Little chickens learn to eat and drink, day two. They live off the lining of the egg shell the first day, and then it's pick and scratch for the rest of their lives. Now mama hen still broods over them at night for over a month, until the day she leads them to the roost, but her mothering is far from coddling. It has to be, for her chicks to survive.
I have a nice herd of goats, and I've certainly learned a lot watching them. Even with my milk goats, I don't take the kids off their mothers to bottle feed them. I feel very strongly that what their mothers teach them in the early weeks of life are imperative to their health and long term survival. Goats forage, so the young ones need to learn what's good and what isn't. I have a fair knowledge base of that, but I'm not out with them all day to nudge them away or allow them just enough to survive it, but not go back to it. Since goats are herd animals, I need at least two, and to honor my Sabbath understanding, I only milk once a day.
This has proven to be a very productive method for me. Once the kids are eating a bit, at 8 days, I separate mothers and babies for about 8 hours in the day time. That correlates with allowing them the early morning and evening grazing time together. The babies are with mom from evening until morning getting milk and learning what is good, then for eight hours the kids are penned with hay and to play, then back to moms after milking.
I say all this in this section for two very good human reasons. First, free range eggs, chicken without arsenic, and raw milk are better for humans than what is being put into our food supply. Second, I've learned from watching the moms that we humans need to do a better job of teaching our children what is good for them and what will cause them problems later in life. Good farmacy beats pharmaceuticals any day!
Sunday, July 28, 2013
This is Not an Ad, But . . .
I've been working on some new products for Tribally Yours, and we have been delighted with the broad spectrum of uses for a couple of these newly developed formulas.

Several years ago, I formulated a liquid that could be applied with a cotton ball or sprayed topically for allergic reactions, rashes, and minor abrasions. Skin Soother is a good product. I've since developed a salve for feet, called Sole Soother. My daughter calls it "miracle salve." She uses it for everything from callouses on her feet to welts on faces and necks!
I also developed a natural hand sanitizer, called H.A.N.D. Potion. (Healthy and Natural Defense) Another of my daughters uses it for everything, including taking it along to avoid using the public bottles of hand sanitizer at banks and stores. My theory is the top of that pump bottle is the "germiest" place in our society.
From waterless hand cleaning to paper cuts, the folks who use H.A.N.D. Potion claim it's good for everything!
I haven't seen the movie, "My Big Fat Greek Wedding," but the line about Windex was referenced and repeated about both products!

Several years ago, I formulated a liquid that could be applied with a cotton ball or sprayed topically for allergic reactions, rashes, and minor abrasions. Skin Soother is a good product. I've since developed a salve for feet, called Sole Soother. My daughter calls it "miracle salve." She uses it for everything from callouses on her feet to welts on faces and necks!
I also developed a natural hand sanitizer, called H.A.N.D. Potion. (Healthy and Natural Defense) Another of my daughters uses it for everything, including taking it along to avoid using the public bottles of hand sanitizer at banks and stores. My theory is the top of that pump bottle is the "germiest" place in our society.
From waterless hand cleaning to paper cuts, the folks who use H.A.N.D. Potion claim it's good for everything!
I haven't seen the movie, "My Big Fat Greek Wedding," but the line about Windex was referenced and repeated about both products!
Monday, July 22, 2013
I began using Turmeric nearly 20 years ago to alleviate joint and muscle pain, as well as using it with licorice for a natural steroid in my effort to manage MS symptoms naturally. I don't use it daily, but I have discovered a number of other symptoms and issues reported to have been helped by the property in Turmeric, called curcumin.
Considering the fact that more Americans struggle with high cholesterol, yet also struggle with the side effects of the chemical pharmaceuticals, the information in the included links may be of value. Many who are not comfortable with pharmaceuticals for depression, or don't care to have that information in the "general data base" may find the reports on Turmeric interesting as well.
http://worldtruth.tv/science-confirms-turmeric-as-effective-as-14-drugs/ Psalms 104:14
Here at "The Farmacist is In," we aren't diagnosing, nor are we attempting to practice medicine without a license. The Farmacist is simply offering information that our readers may find helpful. It is interesting to know, the top selling pharmaceuticals, being offered by those practicing, are the very health issues that turmeric has been used to address.
Our Creator knew what we'd do to ourselves, so before He created humanity, He created the cures to the ills.
Considering the fact that more Americans struggle with high cholesterol, yet also struggle with the side effects of the chemical pharmaceuticals, the information in the included links may be of value. Many who are not comfortable with pharmaceuticals for depression, or don't care to have that information in the "general data base" may find the reports on Turmeric interesting as well.
http://worldtruth.tv/science-confirms-turmeric-as-effective-as-14-drugs/ Psalms 104:14
Here at "The Farmacist is In," we aren't diagnosing, nor are we attempting to practice medicine without a license. The Farmacist is simply offering information that our readers may find helpful. It is interesting to know, the top selling pharmaceuticals, being offered by those practicing, are the very health issues that turmeric has been used to address.
Our Creator knew what we'd do to ourselves, so before He created humanity, He created the cures to the ills.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Embrace Nature
I don't mean hug a tree! Big Business seems to be well protected by the Supreme Court. Let's face it, the average John Q. Public wouldn't have the money to take anything all the way to the Supreme Court, anyway, but Big Business can, and they do!
I want to take this opportunity to dispel a few myths. First, wisdom is a gift of the Spirit, but that is a spiritual gift for service to His glory, and He shares His glory with no one. The Creator of the universe calls the wisdom of man, foolishness.
The second myth is the line of safety between pharmaceuticals and illegal drugs. Addiction is quite prevalent in prescription medications. Seems it was labeled drug abuse when Elvis died of prescription drugs from one doctor, but some choose to overlook the doctor shopping when Rush's addiction came to light. Drug addiction can happen to anyone and then control is out of that hands of the individual. Some side effects include even more addictive behavior.
The third myth is that living by faith is not taking care of health. That couldn't be further from the truth. There are very clear instructions for healthy living in Scripture and our Creator has promised health to those who are obedient to His Word.
The fourth myth is that Health Care Reform is going to provide better health coverage at better insurance rates. Most of us are aware that this is a myth. Which brings us back to the first paragraph. The average individual cannot fight the system. We have the choice of trusting the system that makes over 100,000 medication errors a year or our trusting our Creator.
I want to take this opportunity to dispel a few myths. First, wisdom is a gift of the Spirit, but that is a spiritual gift for service to His glory, and He shares His glory with no one. The Creator of the universe calls the wisdom of man, foolishness.
The second myth is the line of safety between pharmaceuticals and illegal drugs. Addiction is quite prevalent in prescription medications. Seems it was labeled drug abuse when Elvis died of prescription drugs from one doctor, but some choose to overlook the doctor shopping when Rush's addiction came to light. Drug addiction can happen to anyone and then control is out of that hands of the individual. Some side effects include even more addictive behavior.
The third myth is that living by faith is not taking care of health. That couldn't be further from the truth. There are very clear instructions for healthy living in Scripture and our Creator has promised health to those who are obedient to His Word.
The fourth myth is that Health Care Reform is going to provide better health coverage at better insurance rates. Most of us are aware that this is a myth. Which brings us back to the first paragraph. The average individual cannot fight the system. We have the choice of trusting the system that makes over 100,000 medication errors a year or our trusting our Creator.
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Pharmacy vs. Farmacy
I've included the link to the page where this paragraph appears.
>>Of the over 4 billion prescriptions written every year, the United States and Canada make up more than 80% of the world's prescription opioids (psychoactive medications). Between 1997 and 2012 prescription opioids increased in dosage by almost 500%. Pharmaceuticals and medical errors are now a leading cause of death. Painkillers are the leading cause of accidental death.
the fact that psychoactive medications have increased at the rate they have in just 15 years should tell us, life is not going well, if we have to continue to increase the dosage or the number of people medicated. Either way is telling. Medications only mask symptoms, rather than offer healing. Setting aside the fact so many people seem to need to ease the pain of just thinking about life, let's consider the seven most common drugs prescribed, or problems for which ongoing prescriptions are written and refilled.
In the past pain medications were usually associated with injury, surgery, or end of life comfort, but prescriptions for pain relief play a regular and ongoing part in the life of many Americans. Pain management clinics and prescriptions abound. These drugs are serious and many pain relievers are addictive.
The next chronic health issue for which ongoing prescriptions are written is for high cholesterol. Diet is a big factor in cholesterol issues, but medicine is easier and quicker to obtain the proper level in the blood test, but truly doesn't change the health of the individual taking the prescription. The liver must continue to process this chemical that is controlling the cholesterol.
Blood pressure is a terrible issue in our society for two reasons, diet and "control issues." The most controlling people I deal with, also take blood pressure medication. I attribute my low blood pressure to my "free-spirited oblivion" to those with control issues. It's like I don't even have to aim at their control issue to offend them . . . but that's another article. High blood pressure is usually also a symptom of poor eating habits. Prepackaged and preservatives are huge offenders when it comes to blood pressure problems.
Hypothyroidism has become quite a serious issue that affects weight and ultimately can cause other physical problems. The metabolism is exceedingly slow when one suffers from this problem, and even when one chooses pharmaceuticals, increased exercise is recommended.
Seems most everyone has some sort of heart burn, reflux, or ulcers these days. Eating too fast, improper timing of meals, and a stressful lifestyle are all things that can contribute to the problem. There are many natural recommendations to offer relief. I know I personally battled with ulcers for nearly 20 years before finding the natural remedy of aloe vera, cabbage juice and cayenne. That was back in the day when Prilosec required a prescription.
Antibiotics are used for just about everything these days, and we are seeing signs of overuse and a bacterial resistance to their effectiveness. Then there is also the illness caused by losing the good bacteria when antibiotics are taken. I must include an Editorial comment about antibiotics. I truly believe they cause an imbalance in the digestive tract that actually inhibits the body from eliminating toxins, thus weakening the immune system, well beyond the immediate situation.
Folks suffering from Type 2 Diabetes have trouble with diet, they just do. Often it has been a lifelong struggle that catches up with them in middle age. The real key to controlling diabetes is of course controlling diet. Without proper dietary changes, the oral medication must often be replaced with insulin shots. There are foods that truly do help the body produce insulin and as long as the oral medication can be used in treatment, the body is still producing insulin.
There are many healthy options available, without prescription. Click the link below for more information.
For more information and the full article
>>Of the over 4 billion prescriptions written every year, the United States and Canada make up more than 80% of the world's prescription opioids (psychoactive medications). Between 1997 and 2012 prescription opioids increased in dosage by almost 500%. Pharmaceuticals and medical errors are now a leading cause of death. Painkillers are the leading cause of accidental death.
the fact that psychoactive medications have increased at the rate they have in just 15 years should tell us, life is not going well, if we have to continue to increase the dosage or the number of people medicated. Either way is telling. Medications only mask symptoms, rather than offer healing. Setting aside the fact so many people seem to need to ease the pain of just thinking about life, let's consider the seven most common drugs prescribed, or problems for which ongoing prescriptions are written and refilled.
In the past pain medications were usually associated with injury, surgery, or end of life comfort, but prescriptions for pain relief play a regular and ongoing part in the life of many Americans. Pain management clinics and prescriptions abound. These drugs are serious and many pain relievers are addictive.
The next chronic health issue for which ongoing prescriptions are written is for high cholesterol. Diet is a big factor in cholesterol issues, but medicine is easier and quicker to obtain the proper level in the blood test, but truly doesn't change the health of the individual taking the prescription. The liver must continue to process this chemical that is controlling the cholesterol.
Blood pressure is a terrible issue in our society for two reasons, diet and "control issues." The most controlling people I deal with, also take blood pressure medication. I attribute my low blood pressure to my "free-spirited oblivion" to those with control issues. It's like I don't even have to aim at their control issue to offend them . . . but that's another article. High blood pressure is usually also a symptom of poor eating habits. Prepackaged and preservatives are huge offenders when it comes to blood pressure problems.
Hypothyroidism has become quite a serious issue that affects weight and ultimately can cause other physical problems. The metabolism is exceedingly slow when one suffers from this problem, and even when one chooses pharmaceuticals, increased exercise is recommended.
Seems most everyone has some sort of heart burn, reflux, or ulcers these days. Eating too fast, improper timing of meals, and a stressful lifestyle are all things that can contribute to the problem. There are many natural recommendations to offer relief. I know I personally battled with ulcers for nearly 20 years before finding the natural remedy of aloe vera, cabbage juice and cayenne. That was back in the day when Prilosec required a prescription.
Antibiotics are used for just about everything these days, and we are seeing signs of overuse and a bacterial resistance to their effectiveness. Then there is also the illness caused by losing the good bacteria when antibiotics are taken. I must include an Editorial comment about antibiotics. I truly believe they cause an imbalance in the digestive tract that actually inhibits the body from eliminating toxins, thus weakening the immune system, well beyond the immediate situation.
Folks suffering from Type 2 Diabetes have trouble with diet, they just do. Often it has been a lifelong struggle that catches up with them in middle age. The real key to controlling diabetes is of course controlling diet. Without proper dietary changes, the oral medication must often be replaced with insulin shots. There are foods that truly do help the body produce insulin and as long as the oral medication can be used in treatment, the body is still producing insulin.
There are many healthy options available, without prescription. Click the link below for more information.
For more information and the full article
Sunday, June 23, 2013
A Comparative Observation
I've been called everything from a Religious Nut to New Age, and that's from people who supposedly like me in real time. The social media gets really wild with their labels right before they judge, admonish and/or unfriend, but so far, I haven't been dissuaded or discouraged from pursuing what YHWH has revealed. He is our Creator, and when we read the first chapter of Genesis, we find He created food, shelter, and provision, before He created the creatures that would need it. For example, He separated the waters, before He created fish. He created trees before He created birds, and He created everything before He created man.
I have two theories on that. First, it aligns with the premise contained the previous paragraph. Humans are needy and want to use everything, so He created everything before He created human. Second, humans frequently think they have better ideas than G-d, so in order to wind up Creation in six days, for a seventh day rest, He had to make humans last. We're still telling Him what needs to be done on earth . . .
Our Creator made wonderful herbs and plants that have many remedial properties. The religious decision isn't in yet, but the corporate and political ones are. There is a valid reason why most studies do not show any promise in natural products and modalities. True natural products cannot be patented, therefore cannot be exclusively owned by one corporation. Natural modalities vary so widely that and many are relatively unknown, with the exception of massage therapy and acupuncture; governmental oversight and certification just isn't practical.
There's just not much money in natural health because most of us participating are not in it for the money but actually for our health and those with whom we can share. Natural health is based upon our beliefs and our obedient faith. My beliefs say, Health is not in my hands, but in my Creator's and I don't have the patent . . .
When we read that scientific evidence has not been found regarding an herb or natural modality, it's often because there is no money to be gained in the evidence the research would produce.
I have two theories on that. First, it aligns with the premise contained the previous paragraph. Humans are needy and want to use everything, so He created everything before He created human. Second, humans frequently think they have better ideas than G-d, so in order to wind up Creation in six days, for a seventh day rest, He had to make humans last. We're still telling Him what needs to be done on earth . . .
Our Creator made wonderful herbs and plants that have many remedial properties. The religious decision isn't in yet, but the corporate and political ones are. There is a valid reason why most studies do not show any promise in natural products and modalities. True natural products cannot be patented, therefore cannot be exclusively owned by one corporation. Natural modalities vary so widely that and many are relatively unknown, with the exception of massage therapy and acupuncture; governmental oversight and certification just isn't practical.
There's just not much money in natural health because most of us participating are not in it for the money but actually for our health and those with whom we can share. Natural health is based upon our beliefs and our obedient faith. My beliefs say, Health is not in my hands, but in my Creator's and I don't have the patent . . .
When we read that scientific evidence has not been found regarding an herb or natural modality, it's often because there is no money to be gained in the evidence the research would produce.
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Bug the Bugs - Naturally
For those who are looking for other natural solutions. An extra dose of Vitamin B1 daily through the spring and summer months works great! Apparently mosquitoes detect the scent and just don't like the way it changes their target. So do not delay, the mosquitoes are reported to big extra large this year and with all the rain, probably abundant.
G-ma's Goatmilk Soap actually has natural repellent made right into the specialty soap called "Skeeter Beater" It is available through the store @ www.thelandofgoshen.biz or by contacting the editor . . .
Sunday, June 9, 2013
A New War on Drugs
Now that many folks are dependent upon prescription pain medications, an FDA panel is advising the banning of two very common prescription pain relievers. What happens then? My guess is there are new pharmaceuticals that are more lending to profits. Another guess is, this is yet another aspect of controlling the people about the same time the new Health Care Reform Bill is enforced.
The War on Drugs that was started in the 80's and introduced to us the first of many czars in this country, has waged a war on the citizens and we now have more nonviolent prison inmates and more addiction problems per capita than any other country in the world.
FDA vicodin and percocet to be banned . . . Advisory panel is recommending it. FDA doesn't have to take the recommendation, but they usually do.
The War on Drugs that was started in the 80's and introduced to us the first of many czars in this country, has waged a war on the citizens and we now have more nonviolent prison inmates and more addiction problems per capita than any other country in the world.
FDA vicodin and percocet to be banned . . . Advisory panel is recommending it. FDA doesn't have to take the recommendation, but they usually do.
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Don't Put Poison in Your Mouth!
The promotion of fluoride was literally programmed in my youth. I remember the tooth paste advertisements when I was growing up, with the kid greeting Dad at the door, proclaiming "only one cavity." I was never really impressed with that proclamation, as I went to the dentist every 6 months and didn't have any cavities. The recommendation was to see your dentist twice a year and 1 cavity per visit did not seem so mathematically amazing, over time! Statistically, that would be two cavities a year. Baby teeth aside, permanent teeth start coming in at about the age of 6, so by the time a kid graduated high school, that would be about two dozen cavities, that's 24 holes in 28 teeth. Add wisdom teeth and four years of college and voila, the figures are identical.
I wondered then what was so great about the "Name Brand with fluoride!"
Fast forward forty years to the fact we now know, "good" teeth are basically genetic, and good oral hygeine is taught. So with those two valuable facts, what about the added fluoride? What does fluoride really do besides harden the enamel? Fluoride is toxic, although some is only "mildly toxic." To whom does it make sense to put any level of toxicity in your mouth? To actually add toxins to a product young children are encouraged to put in their mouth boarders on abuse . . .
Fluoride News
I wondered then what was so great about the "Name Brand with fluoride!"
Fast forward forty years to the fact we now know, "good" teeth are basically genetic, and good oral hygeine is taught. So with those two valuable facts, what about the added fluoride? What does fluoride really do besides harden the enamel? Fluoride is toxic, although some is only "mildly toxic." To whom does it make sense to put any level of toxicity in your mouth? To actually add toxins to a product young children are encouraged to put in their mouth boarders on abuse . . .
Fluoride News
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Spring is the time that all sorts of wonderful detoxifying herbs are in abundance. There's a reason for that. Our bodies really do change through the winter months. We get less exercise, as a rule, we certainly eat less fresh food, and most of have gathered a few extra pounds that will just stay, if we don't "kick them out" of our body!
One of the best ways to change our metabolism, our cravings, and increase our energy is to detox. I'm not talking about those $60.00 a month prepackaged promotionals, I'm talking fresh greens, fresh juicing, and fresh air! It's just time to give the body a healthy break from the sedentary routine most of us find ourselves in. The best way in the world to begin detoxing is to do something that works up a sweat or at least causes thirst.
The key here, is don't overdo and don't go so overboard it's impossible to maintain. The actual "detoxing tonic" should just be a simple matter of an herbal tea or beverage such as dandelion root or nettles, that lasts a month or less. The rest is a change of lifestyle, that should last a lifetime!
Begin with simple things, like extra water and less soda pop, aiming for no soda pop, but a gradual change leaves one less vulnerable to feeling cheated or deprived, so if you're a big soda pop fan, the first few days, trade one glass of soda pop for a glass of water, then increase the exchange until you're free!
Exercise is the same way. Don't run out and join a gym, if you're not even walking to your mailbox. I was a massage therapist at a Fitness Club years ago and I was always tickled to see all the front row parking spaces taken . . . It's those little things, like when you to go the store, park a bit farther from the door. On the way home from work, drive on past the mail box and walk back after you get comfy for the evening.
If you are reading this blog, then you have Google access to find yourself a simple detox tea that would address your issues and lifestyle.
* A note of caution. If you decide to wildcraft your own herbs, make sure you identify what you are looking for and the area has not been subjected to unnantural herbicides and pesticides.
One thing at a time, one day at a time. Remember, we didn't get unhealthy overnight . . .
One of the best ways to change our metabolism, our cravings, and increase our energy is to detox. I'm not talking about those $60.00 a month prepackaged promotionals, I'm talking fresh greens, fresh juicing, and fresh air! It's just time to give the body a healthy break from the sedentary routine most of us find ourselves in. The best way in the world to begin detoxing is to do something that works up a sweat or at least causes thirst.
The key here, is don't overdo and don't go so overboard it's impossible to maintain. The actual "detoxing tonic" should just be a simple matter of an herbal tea or beverage such as dandelion root or nettles, that lasts a month or less. The rest is a change of lifestyle, that should last a lifetime!
Begin with simple things, like extra water and less soda pop, aiming for no soda pop, but a gradual change leaves one less vulnerable to feeling cheated or deprived, so if you're a big soda pop fan, the first few days, trade one glass of soda pop for a glass of water, then increase the exchange until you're free!
Exercise is the same way. Don't run out and join a gym, if you're not even walking to your mailbox. I was a massage therapist at a Fitness Club years ago and I was always tickled to see all the front row parking spaces taken . . . It's those little things, like when you to go the store, park a bit farther from the door. On the way home from work, drive on past the mail box and walk back after you get comfy for the evening.
If you are reading this blog, then you have Google access to find yourself a simple detox tea that would address your issues and lifestyle.
* A note of caution. If you decide to wildcraft your own herbs, make sure you identify what you are looking for and the area has not been subjected to unnantural herbicides and pesticides.
One thing at a time, one day at a time. Remember, we didn't get unhealthy overnight . . .
Monday, May 20, 2013
Boys Will Be Boys
And that's as it should be. One of the contributors here at the Goshen Gazette wrote an article last week that really hit home. The Big Blue Bus told of a little boy that was still a little boy, thought like a little boy, and acted like a little boy, even when all dressed up. I mentioned to him, just in passing, about the concern I've had through the years of ministry, of boring the little boys that I've taught. His response was very true to his article, in that he said, "Boys will be boys, but seeds are planted." Now knowing that little boy on the big blue bus, grew up to be a man that posts Bible teachings and when he's not working, he's chasing storms, his simple statement rings perpetual truth. That little boy that couldn't stay out of the creek in his Sunday best, grew up to be a man.
What are we doing to our little boys now? When I read about the time children now spend confined in day care, it boggles my mind. Then there's time our children are spending in school as the summer vacations are being shortened. How many children, especially boys are being medicated for hyperactivity or attention deficit? There used to be an old saying about "not sitting around twittling your thumbs." That's now called video games and texting . . . Even thumb twittling has advanced with technology. As I thought of Rev. Spotter's words repeating the old adage, "boys will be boys" I couldn't help but think we've lost that and it's not fair to little boys.
A couple of years ago I witnessed a mother and a grandma deal with the children. There were a few girls and an only son. The comment was made before meeting them, "he's all boy." When I hear that phrase, I picture grubby little hands and a frog in his pocket. I plan to guard against stepping on legos and matchbox cars. It seems the phrase "all boy," used to inspire an image of a little guy taking things apart, curious as to how they work! What I saw, however; was a child who disregarded everything his mother said, wouldn't get off his tuchus to let his grandma have a seat, and ate like he had no manners whatsoever and the entire meal was for his consumption, the things he liked, that is. "All boy" used to mean masculine and adventurous. From what I saw in that situation, "all boy" was the euphemism for "all brat" and no manners.
G-d made little boys the way He made them, and there's nothing wrong with a critter in a pocket, a rock collection, and asking to keep bait in the refrigerator. There is something wrong, however; with a society that disregards the very things that make children grow and develop the way they were created. As I was working on another article, I just found myself aghast at the number of little boys that have some sort of label, be it some sort of attention issue or on the autism spectrum. I'm of the school of thought much of this could be avoided by proper diet and definitely fewer pharmaceuticals, but what if, we went back to just letting boys be boys.
What if children got to play outdoors in the sunshine, at least for awhile, every day? What if children got to get dirty and needed an extra bath before the next trip to somewhere? I know, nothing made my Grandson happier than picking fresh veggies out of the garden and eating them right there, with his grubby little hands wrapped around a fresh tomato, or picking the leaves of the cabbage one at a time . . . Kids will tell you, green beans and even peas are good, raw, fresh from the garden!
Outdoor play time for children would address many of the disorders now being medicated. Outdoor childhood activities would certainly help ward off childhood obesity, and help minimize modern thumb twittling time.
Most all people, benefit from some time outdoors. Children need to actively play, especially boys, need to be outdoors in the fresh air and sunshine, not confined to fluorescent lighting and controlled climate.
After being told for years to stay out of the sun and out of the heat, we now know moderation is possible and sunshine is a great source of Vitamin D. Before all common sense is lost, let's let little boys be boys.
A deficiency of Vitamin D has actually been linked with testosterone deficiency.
What are we doing to our little boys now? When I read about the time children now spend confined in day care, it boggles my mind. Then there's time our children are spending in school as the summer vacations are being shortened. How many children, especially boys are being medicated for hyperactivity or attention deficit? There used to be an old saying about "not sitting around twittling your thumbs." That's now called video games and texting . . . Even thumb twittling has advanced with technology. As I thought of Rev. Spotter's words repeating the old adage, "boys will be boys" I couldn't help but think we've lost that and it's not fair to little boys.
A couple of years ago I witnessed a mother and a grandma deal with the children. There were a few girls and an only son. The comment was made before meeting them, "he's all boy." When I hear that phrase, I picture grubby little hands and a frog in his pocket. I plan to guard against stepping on legos and matchbox cars. It seems the phrase "all boy," used to inspire an image of a little guy taking things apart, curious as to how they work! What I saw, however; was a child who disregarded everything his mother said, wouldn't get off his tuchus to let his grandma have a seat, and ate like he had no manners whatsoever and the entire meal was for his consumption, the things he liked, that is. "All boy" used to mean masculine and adventurous. From what I saw in that situation, "all boy" was the euphemism for "all brat" and no manners.
G-d made little boys the way He made them, and there's nothing wrong with a critter in a pocket, a rock collection, and asking to keep bait in the refrigerator. There is something wrong, however; with a society that disregards the very things that make children grow and develop the way they were created. As I was working on another article, I just found myself aghast at the number of little boys that have some sort of label, be it some sort of attention issue or on the autism spectrum. I'm of the school of thought much of this could be avoided by proper diet and definitely fewer pharmaceuticals, but what if, we went back to just letting boys be boys.
What if children got to play outdoors in the sunshine, at least for awhile, every day? What if children got to get dirty and needed an extra bath before the next trip to somewhere? I know, nothing made my Grandson happier than picking fresh veggies out of the garden and eating them right there, with his grubby little hands wrapped around a fresh tomato, or picking the leaves of the cabbage one at a time . . . Kids will tell you, green beans and even peas are good, raw, fresh from the garden!
Outdoor play time for children would address many of the disorders now being medicated. Outdoor childhood activities would certainly help ward off childhood obesity, and help minimize modern thumb twittling time.
Most all people, benefit from some time outdoors. Children need to actively play, especially boys, need to be outdoors in the fresh air and sunshine, not confined to fluorescent lighting and controlled climate.
After being told for years to stay out of the sun and out of the heat, we now know moderation is possible and sunshine is a great source of Vitamin D. Before all common sense is lost, let's let little boys be boys.
A deficiency of Vitamin D has actually been linked with testosterone deficiency.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Let's Talk Deodorants and Antiperspirants
Let your lymph nodes breathe. Now I realize we can't do that all the time and I'm not advocating that we should not be "fit for polite society." What I am saying, is choose some times that you ditch the underarm amenity and allow your sweat glands the right to function as they were created to do.
First, for the same of those you love, care about, or have to be around, wear it to work and school. What I'm suggesting here, is say when you're going to be doing something fairly independently like bicycling, working out, gardening, going to the gym, or whatever you do that you know you'll be getting dirty, working up a sweat, and be showering after. That's when you live and be free and don't worry about a little underarm perspiration. As a matter of fact, we need to be worrying about no underarm perspiration.
To be blunt, if you do allow your body to function normally as we were created to do, then realize we were designed to do that much detoxing on a regular basis. Again, I'm not suggesting we go through life offending those in our "circle of influence" or standing down wind . . . but when the intent is to get dirty or work up a sweat, do just that!
I remember a discussion I had with my buddy-in-law last year about working the land. Working up a sweat in all the good clean dirt, then the exhilarating feeling of that dirt washing away in the shower and the earthy feeling that evoked.
As a woman, I can honestly say, a shower after a deodorant-free detoxing session in the garden gives me the same sense of release and cleansing, as a good cry.
First, for the same of those you love, care about, or have to be around, wear it to work and school. What I'm suggesting here, is say when you're going to be doing something fairly independently like bicycling, working out, gardening, going to the gym, or whatever you do that you know you'll be getting dirty, working up a sweat, and be showering after. That's when you live and be free and don't worry about a little underarm perspiration. As a matter of fact, we need to be worrying about no underarm perspiration.
To be blunt, if you do allow your body to function normally as we were created to do, then realize we were designed to do that much detoxing on a regular basis. Again, I'm not suggesting we go through life offending those in our "circle of influence" or standing down wind . . . but when the intent is to get dirty or work up a sweat, do just that!
I remember a discussion I had with my buddy-in-law last year about working the land. Working up a sweat in all the good clean dirt, then the exhilarating feeling of that dirt washing away in the shower and the earthy feeling that evoked.
As a woman, I can honestly say, a shower after a deodorant-free detoxing session in the garden gives me the same sense of release and cleansing, as a good cry.
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Time to Get Real
How many vaccinations, prescriptions, and doctor's visits do we force on our kids before we inform them that drugs are bad? Now how many parents cannot see the double message in this method? We influence our children with our actions much more than our words, and you bank on any stupid decisions being the most memorable!
Not only do we send a double message, but what are we doing to their little bodies in the way of potentially creating addicts. Not just emotional or psychological addiction, but we don't know what long term effects these various presriptions have on their developing organs, that may actually cause addiction down the road.

Not only do we send a double message, but what are we doing to their little bodies in the way of potentially creating addicts. Not just emotional or psychological addiction, but we don't know what long term effects these various presriptions have on their developing organs, that may actually cause addiction down the road.

Sunday, April 28, 2013
Managed Health Care
Although we talk about health care, regularly and we will all be faced with some pretty clear decisions to be made in this next year, we tend to overlook the best method of health care. Let's get pro-active in avoiding illness.
What are some of the really simple ways to just be healthier?
1. Better eating habits are a must. Our bodies were created to process real food, not processed preservatives. There's no better time to experiment with a better diet than summer time with fresh produce in season. Everything that grows in the garden has nutritional value, even a few of the weeds, but I digress . . .
2. Better hygiene is essential. I'm not saying anyone is dirty, here, but our skin is our largest organ and we slather all sorts of products on it. These products contain words none of us can pronounce, much less know they are. As the summer activities begin to increase, find some natural skin care products, and read the labels. Make sure they are actually natural. The manager of Tribally Yours, LLC stands behind the authenticity of the products sold. Many soaps and skin cleansers actually contain lard or derivatives of lard. How would anyone get clean with unclean soap? Soaps with vegetable and nut oils are recommended. G-ma's Goatmilk Soap is a favorite.
Okay, I'm through advertising, but seriously, what we put on our skin is absorbed into our body and the more unnatural the products, the more our body struggles. So often we forget that our skin really is an essential organ in processing what goes on it and what is released from our bodies through the pores.
3. More exercise doesn't hurt anyone and helps most everyone! Don't spend all summer in climate controlled air conditioning! There are cool sports like swimming and keep in mind, perspiring is healthy. Perspiring not only helps cool the body naturally, but it eliminates toxins from our system. Don't get all crazy and overdo or stay out too long in high temps, but for the most part, breaking a sweat won't kill you . . .
4. Sunburn, dehydration, sun strokes, and heart problems from prolonged exposure and intense activity after spending too many hours sedentary indoors, are the biggest hazards in summer fun.
5. Remember there are prescriptions and chemicals for every potential problem and symptom imaginable, while most of them are avoidable with prevention. Use common sense. It's hard to come by these days and advice is everywhere. Drink plenty of liquids, water mostly. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables, exercise in moderation and build up to it, get some Vitamin D from the sun, but know your burn limits.
Take this next month to gradually increase your activity level and outdoor time and your body will thank you for it.
What are some of the really simple ways to just be healthier?
1. Better eating habits are a must. Our bodies were created to process real food, not processed preservatives. There's no better time to experiment with a better diet than summer time with fresh produce in season. Everything that grows in the garden has nutritional value, even a few of the weeds, but I digress . . .
2. Better hygiene is essential. I'm not saying anyone is dirty, here, but our skin is our largest organ and we slather all sorts of products on it. These products contain words none of us can pronounce, much less know they are. As the summer activities begin to increase, find some natural skin care products, and read the labels. Make sure they are actually natural. The manager of Tribally Yours, LLC stands behind the authenticity of the products sold. Many soaps and skin cleansers actually contain lard or derivatives of lard. How would anyone get clean with unclean soap? Soaps with vegetable and nut oils are recommended. G-ma's Goatmilk Soap is a favorite.
Okay, I'm through advertising, but seriously, what we put on our skin is absorbed into our body and the more unnatural the products, the more our body struggles. So often we forget that our skin really is an essential organ in processing what goes on it and what is released from our bodies through the pores.
3. More exercise doesn't hurt anyone and helps most everyone! Don't spend all summer in climate controlled air conditioning! There are cool sports like swimming and keep in mind, perspiring is healthy. Perspiring not only helps cool the body naturally, but it eliminates toxins from our system. Don't get all crazy and overdo or stay out too long in high temps, but for the most part, breaking a sweat won't kill you . . .
4. Sunburn, dehydration, sun strokes, and heart problems from prolonged exposure and intense activity after spending too many hours sedentary indoors, are the biggest hazards in summer fun.
5. Remember there are prescriptions and chemicals for every potential problem and symptom imaginable, while most of them are avoidable with prevention. Use common sense. It's hard to come by these days and advice is everywhere. Drink plenty of liquids, water mostly. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables, exercise in moderation and build up to it, get some Vitamin D from the sun, but know your burn limits.
Take this next month to gradually increase your activity level and outdoor time and your body will thank you for it.

Sunday, April 21, 2013
Kitchen Remedies
Years ago, the big boost for the Pharmaceutical Industry was the refusal to be able to obtain a patent on herbs. Creation cannot be exclusively "owned." The chemical copy of a property of an herb, however; can be patented and owned. Thus we have St. Joseph's Aspirin and Bayer Aspirin instead of white willow bark. That's not to say, the "herb companies" haven't managed to manufacture their own special formulas to claim trademarks. Great news! Most of us have access to remedies that have worked for centuries, right in our own kitchen.
Painkillers in Your Kitchen
Make muscle pain a memory with ginger
When Danish researchers asked achy people to jazz up their diets with ginger, it eased muscle and joint pain, swelling and stiffness for up to 63 percent of them within two months. Experts credit ginger’s potent compounds called gingerols, which prevent the production of pain-triggering hormones. The study-recommended dose: Add at least 1 teaspoon of dried ginger or 2 teaspoons of chopped ginger to meals daily.
Cure a toothache with cloves
Got a toothache and can’t get to the dentist? Gently chewing on a clove can ease tooth pain and gum inflammation for two hours straight, say UCLA researchers. Experts point to a natural compound in cloves called eugenol, a powerful, natural anesthetic. Bonus: Sprinkling a ¼ teaspoon of ground cloves on meals daily may also protect your ticker. Scientists say this simple action helps stabilize blood sugar, plus dampen production of artery-clogging cholesterol in as little as three weeks.
Heal heartburn with cider vinegar
Sip 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with 8 ounces of water before every meal, and experts say you could shut down painful bouts of heartburn in as little as 24 hours. “Cider vinegar is rich in malic and tartaric acids, powerful digestive aids that speed the breakdown of fats and proteins so your stomach can empty quickly, before food washes up into the esophagus, triggering heartburn pain,” explains Joseph Brasco, M.D., a gastroenterologist at the Center for Colon and Digestive Diseases in Huntsville, AL.
If you forgot the vinegar before the meal, 1 teaspoon of baking soda in 4 ounces of water will help calm acid indegestion after the meal.
Erase earaches with garlic
Painful ear infections drive millions of Americans to doctors’ offices every year. To cure one fast, just place two drops of warm garlic oil into your aching ear twice daily for five days. This simple treatment can clear up ear infections faster than prescription meds, say experts at the University of New Mexico School of Medicine. Scientists say garlic’s active ingredients (germanium, selenium, and sulfur compounds) are naturally toxic to dozens of different pain-causing bacteria. To whip up your own garlic oil gently simmer three cloves of crushed garlic in a half a cup of extra virgin olive oil for two minutes, strain, then refrigerate for up to two weeks, suggests Teresa Graedon, Ph.D., co-author of the book, Best Choices From The People’s Pharmacy. For an optimal experience, warm this mix slightly before using so the liquid will feel soothing in your ear canal.
Chase away joint and headache pain with cherries
Latest studies show that at least one in four women is struggling with arthritis, gout or chronic headaches. If you’re one of them, a daily bowl of cherries could ease your ache, without the stomach upset so often triggered by today’s painkillers, say researchers at East Lansing ’s Michigan State University . Their research reveals that anthocyanins, the compounds that give cherries their brilliant red color, are anti-inflammatories 10 times stronger than ibuprofen and aspirin. “Anthocyanins help shut down the powerful enzymes that kick-start tissue inflammation, so they can prevent, as well as treat, many different kinds of pain,” explains Muraleedharan Nair, Ph.D., professor of food science at Michigan State University . His advice: Enjoy 20 cherries (fresh, frozen or dried) daily, then continue until your pain disappears.
Fight tummy troubles with fish
Indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel diseases...if your belly always seems to be in an uproar, try munching 18 ounces of fish weekly to ease your misery. Repeated studies show that the fatty acids in fish, called EPA and DHA, can significantly reduce intestinal inflammation, cramping and belly pain and, in some cases, provide as much relief as corticosteroids and other prescription meds. “EPA and DHA are powerful, natural, side effect-free anti-inflammatories, that can dramatically improve the function of the entire gastrointestinal tract,” explains biological chemist Barry Sears, Ph.D., president of the Inflammation Research Foundation in Marblehead , MA . For best results, look for oily fish like salmon, sardines, tuna, mackerel, trout and herring.
Prevent PMS with yogurt
Up to 80 percent of women will struggle with premenstrual syndrome and its uncomfortable symptoms, report Yale researchers. The reason: Their nervous systems are sensitive to the ups and downs in estrogen and progesterone that occur naturally every month. But snacking on 2 cups of yogurt a day can slash these symptoms by 48 percent, say researchers at New York ’s Columbia University . “Yogurt is rich in calcium, a mineral that naturally calms the nervous system, preventing painful symptoms even when hormones are in flux,” explains Mary Jane Minkin, M.D., a professor of gynecology at Yale University .
Tame chronic pain with turmeric
Studies show turmeric, a popular East Indian spice, is actually three times more effective at easing pain than aspirin, ibuprofen or naproxen, plus it can help relieve chronic pain for 50 percent of people struggling with arthritis and even fibromyalgia, according to Cornell researchers. That’s because turmeric’s active ingredient, curcumin, naturally shuts down cyclooxygenase 2, an enzyme that churns out a stream of pain-producing hormones, explains nutrition researcher Julian Whitaker, M.D. and author of the book, Reversing Diabetes. The study-recommended dose: Sprinkle 1/4 teaspoon of this spice daily onto any rice, poultry, meat or vegetable dish.
End endometrial pain with oats
The ticket to soothing endometriosis pain could be a daily bowl of oatmeal. Endometriosis occurs when little bits of the uterine lining detach and grow outside of the uterus. Experts say these migrating cells can turn menstruation into a misery, causing so much inflammation that they trigger severe cramping during your period, plus a heavy ache that drags on all month long. Fortunately, scientists say opting for a diet rich in oats can help reduce endometrial pain for up to 60 percent of women within six months. That’s because oats don’t contain gluten, a trouble-making protein that triggers inflammation in many women, making endometriosis difficult to bear, explains Peter Green, M.D., professor of medicine at Colombia University .
Soothe foot pain with salt
Experts say at least six million Americans develop painful ingrown toenails each year. But regularly soaking ingrown nails in warm salt water baths can cure these painful infections within four days, say scientists at California ’s Stanford University . The salt in the mix naturally nixes inflammation, plus it’s anti-bacterial, so it quickly destroys the germs that cause swelling and pain. Just mix 1 teaspoon of salt into each cup of water, heat to the warmest temperature that you can comfortably stand, and then soak the affected foot area for 20 minutes twice daily, until your infection subsides.
Prevent digestive upsets with pineapple
Got gas? One cup of fresh pineapple daily can cut painful bloating within 72 hours, say researchers at California ’s Stanford University . That's because pineapple is natually packed with proteolytic enzymes, digestive aids that help speed the breakdown of pain-causing proteins in the stomach and small intestine, say USDA researchers.
Relax painful muscles with peppermint
Suffering from tight, sore muscles? Stubborn knots can hang around for months if they aren’t properly treated, says naturopath Mark Stengler, N.D., author of the book, The Natural Physician’s Healing Therapies. His advice: Three times each week, soak in a warm tub scented with 10 drops of peppermint oil. The warm water will relax your muscles, while the peppermint oil will naturally soothe your nerves -- a combo that can ease muscle cramping 25 percent more effectively than over-the-counter painkillers, and cut the frequency of future flare-ups in half, says Stengler.
Give your back some TLC with grapes
Got an achy back? Grapes could be the ticket to a speedy recovery. Recent studies at Ohio State University suggest eating a heaping cup of grapes daily can relax tight blood vessels, significantly improving blood flow to damaged back tissues (and often within three hours of enjoying the first bowl). That’s great news because your back’s vertebrae and shock-absorbing discs are completely dependent on nearby blood vessels to bring them healing nutrients and oxygen, so improving blood flow is essential for healing damaged back tissue, says Stengler.
Wash away pain injuries with water
Whether it’s your feet, your knees or your shoulders that are throbbing, experts at New York ’s Manhattan College , say you could kick-start your recovery in one week just by drinking eight 8-ounce glasses of water daily. Why? Experts say water dilutes, and then helps flush out, histamine, a pain-triggering compound produced by injured tissues. “Plus water is a key building block of the cartilage that cushions the ends of your bones, your joints’ lubricating fluid, and the soft discs in your spine,” adds Susan M. Kleiner, Ph.D., author of the book, The Good Mood Diet. “And when these tissues are well-hydrated, they can move and glide over each other without causing pain.” One caveat: Be sure to measure your drinking glasses to find out how large they really are before you start sipping, she says. Today’s juice glasses often hold more than 12 ounces, which means five servings could be enough to meet your daily goal.
Heal sinus problems with horseradish
Latest studies show sinusitis is the nation’s number one chronic health problem. And this condition doesn’t just spur congestion and facial pain, it also makes sufferers six times more likely to feel achy all-over. Horseradish to the rescue! According to German researchers, this eye-watering condiment naturally revs up blood flow to the sinus cavities, helping to open and drain clogged sinuses and heal sinus infections more quickly than decongestant sprays do. The study-recommended dose: One teaspoon twice daily (either on its own, or used as a sandwich or meat topping) until symptoms clear.
Beat bladder infections with blueberries
Eating 1 cup of blueberries daily, whether you opt for them fresh, frozen or in juice form, can cut your risk of a urinary tract infection (UTIs) by 60 percent, according to researchers at New Jersey’s Rutgers University. That's because blueberries are loaded with tannins, plant compounds that wrap around problem-causing bacteria in the bladder, so they can’t get a toehold and create an infection, explains Amy Howell, Ph.D. a scientist at Rutgers University .
Tame leg cramps with tomato juice
At least one in five people regularly struggle with leg cramps. The culprit? Potassium deficiencies, which occur when this mineral is flushed out by diuretics, caffeinated beverages or heavy perspiration during exercise. But sip 10 ounces of potassium-rich tomato juice daily and you'll not only speed your recovery, you'll reduce your risk of painful cramp flare-ups in as little as 10 days, say UCLA researchers.
Saturday, February 23, 2013
What If One "Solution" is Causing the Next Problem?

This is not a lengthy article, because I am not going to pound anyone with links. To be honest, that was my intention to begin with, but I've learned an avalanche of links is not necessary to think. People research what concerns them, and regardless of the attempt not to, we all tend to present our personal bias on a topic in which we are passionate. Destroying my grandchildren's food is a passionate topic for me. I take great issue, also against any entity being so arrogant as to say they can do better than our Creator! So with that being said, I'm simply going to raise a few questions, offer the latest hope that Monsanto will have to wait a little while. I will share the fact that one of our Supreme Court Justices used to be on Monsanto's legal team, and so far he's not chosen to recuse himself. My hope is that he left Monsanto in disgust . . .
GMO self-herbiciding, self-pesticiding plants could be causing super bugs, just like all of our anti-bacterial soap in the sewer system. Do we realize what we are actually doing, here? And with all the antibiotics actually weakening the human immune system, we are literally setting ourselves up for plagues, and creating pestilence! This topic was mentioned briefly on the new series, "Before It Was Headlines It Was Prophecy," in which we are literally diminishing our own health with diet and "health care."
I couldn't help but spend a few moments on the possible recessive results of this genetics playground we now call food. If the DNA of scorpions engineered with cabbage actually serves as a pesticide against caterpillars, then I believe the recessive results may be what would be termed "unintended consequences . . ." I learned early in genetics class that a recessive trait is always part of the equation of chance in the field of genetics. For instance, what happens, when caterpillars develop an immunity to this new pesticide idea, just like super-bugs have developed a resistance to antibacterial soap? Will caterpillars become poisonous or will we have to raise the level of scorpion toxins in cabbage? What if scorpion DNA is no longer toxic enough for pests? What's next? Now I'm no scientist, but if I can think of these questions, surely the smart guys in the labs with doctorates and big funding, can wrap their minds around this.
Regardless of the possible down side or next step of the plan, it doesn't sound like anything I'd choose to deal with, but could very literally become reality. Everything we've attempted to enhance has had these so called "unintended consequences." Well, I'm not casting stones, but by now, wouldn't wisdom tell us to pay attention because there will be some part of the plan that produces results we don't like! If unintended consequences continue to happen, isn't ignoring that fact intentional?

Sunday, February 17, 2013
Remember the Old Saying
"It must be in the water," used to be a sort of joke when there were a number of women in the "same circle of influence," expecting. Of course, the comment was made in jest, but I've come to understand there is often unspoken truth in wit. Obviously, women aren't getting pregnant drinking water, but the truth is; there is plenty in the public water system to affect our health and that of our children. First, water treatment plants are not called water purifying centers for a reason. The water isn't purified, it's merely treated with chemicals and determined to be "safe" for human consumption. Few people in this country actually drink pure water. Most are drinking a combination of clear uncarbonated chemicals we call "water." As well as the chemicals added for treatment, many "undesirable components" remain in the water that is treated.
I remember a few years back when my alarm came on, listening to the morning news that proudly broadcasted the space station could actually process urine and make it drinkable. I sat straight up in bed and said, they've been doing that for years on earth! So, the international space station has a "water" treatment plant. After hearing that news, I set out to research the subject more fully. Interestingly, water treatment plants aren't even required to check for pharmaceuticals present in the water. What have people been told for years to do with old prescriptions? That's right, flush them.
WARNING: I'm going to get graphic here.
All households on the public water system share their local water supply, both incoming and outgoing. That means, all the water that goes down the drain, regardless of where in the house, showers, sinks, toilets, washers, etc. all go into the water treatment plant to be treated and returned back to the river. Now, so all the faucets produce running water, "the powers that be" control the incoming public water supply as well. Let me tell you where it comes from. Public drinking water comes from that same river, the treated sewage just went into. What I find fascinating, in a sickening sort of way, is the fact that water can be tested for certain drugs and there is a notable presence, albeit fractional and we're told minuscule, therefore; acceptable. Those pharmaceuticals got into the water and maintained their chemical composure through the acceptable treatment method, yet we continue to not question that fact.
There are studies that indicate our water that is turned back into the river is harming the fish and wildlife in the water. We then turn around and take that same water that is harming the wildlife there, add more chemicals and send it back out through the pipes to be available at the turn of a handle on a faucet. The same water that is reported to be harming fish, is treated with more chemicals for our consumption and that of our children.
There is a lot of publicity and questions being raised about vaccinations causing problems for children, and I am not an advocate of vaccines at all, but I can't help but wonder what the public water supply could be causing. Just the additional fluoride is enough to make me question the current amounts in relationship to current health issues in the general population. There are so many more chemicals added to "treat our water" to make it safe to drink. Many people report water from the tap to smell of chlorine. We all do know the bleach bottle is marked with a poison warning and label.
I have to list the ingredients of the products I sell in my company, none of which are recommended for human consumption. I list the ingredients for products made for topical use only! Soap, fragrances, oils and ointments all have labels containing their ingredients. I do make and sell lip balm, natural breath freshener, and fluoride free tooth paste, and while none of them are recommended to be consumed, on the labels, is a list of the ingredients. Now, as we all make our coffee, juice from concentrate for our kids, have we ever read the label of what we're actually adding when we "just add water" from the public water system? We read ingredients on packages at the grocery store. We check labels for sugar and salt. We check for preservatives and ask what "natural flavorings" are. We taste something, and ask, "What's in this?"
As I share my journalistic "hissy" about genetically modified foods, I'd like to insist that the public water system be required to offer proper labeling. I'd like to know what our children are drinking!
We've redefined yet another old cliche and it no longer has the joking context it once held. In all of our health issues and maladies, having nothing to do with procreation, perhaps it "is in the water." It would seem, upon serious research the more accurate comment regarding our water supply is not "it must be in the water," but rather, "What, exactly, is in our water?"
I remember a few years back when my alarm came on, listening to the morning news that proudly broadcasted the space station could actually process urine and make it drinkable. I sat straight up in bed and said, they've been doing that for years on earth! So, the international space station has a "water" treatment plant. After hearing that news, I set out to research the subject more fully. Interestingly, water treatment plants aren't even required to check for pharmaceuticals present in the water. What have people been told for years to do with old prescriptions? That's right, flush them.
WARNING: I'm going to get graphic here.
All households on the public water system share their local water supply, both incoming and outgoing. That means, all the water that goes down the drain, regardless of where in the house, showers, sinks, toilets, washers, etc. all go into the water treatment plant to be treated and returned back to the river. Now, so all the faucets produce running water, "the powers that be" control the incoming public water supply as well. Let me tell you where it comes from. Public drinking water comes from that same river, the treated sewage just went into. What I find fascinating, in a sickening sort of way, is the fact that water can be tested for certain drugs and there is a notable presence, albeit fractional and we're told minuscule, therefore; acceptable. Those pharmaceuticals got into the water and maintained their chemical composure through the acceptable treatment method, yet we continue to not question that fact.
There are studies that indicate our water that is turned back into the river is harming the fish and wildlife in the water. We then turn around and take that same water that is harming the wildlife there, add more chemicals and send it back out through the pipes to be available at the turn of a handle on a faucet. The same water that is reported to be harming fish, is treated with more chemicals for our consumption and that of our children.
There is a lot of publicity and questions being raised about vaccinations causing problems for children, and I am not an advocate of vaccines at all, but I can't help but wonder what the public water supply could be causing. Just the additional fluoride is enough to make me question the current amounts in relationship to current health issues in the general population. There are so many more chemicals added to "treat our water" to make it safe to drink. Many people report water from the tap to smell of chlorine. We all do know the bleach bottle is marked with a poison warning and label.
I have to list the ingredients of the products I sell in my company, none of which are recommended for human consumption. I list the ingredients for products made for topical use only! Soap, fragrances, oils and ointments all have labels containing their ingredients. I do make and sell lip balm, natural breath freshener, and fluoride free tooth paste, and while none of them are recommended to be consumed, on the labels, is a list of the ingredients. Now, as we all make our coffee, juice from concentrate for our kids, have we ever read the label of what we're actually adding when we "just add water" from the public water system? We read ingredients on packages at the grocery store. We check labels for sugar and salt. We check for preservatives and ask what "natural flavorings" are. We taste something, and ask, "What's in this?"
As I share my journalistic "hissy" about genetically modified foods, I'd like to insist that the public water system be required to offer proper labeling. I'd like to know what our children are drinking!
We've redefined yet another old cliche and it no longer has the joking context it once held. In all of our health issues and maladies, having nothing to do with procreation, perhaps it "is in the water." It would seem, upon serious research the more accurate comment regarding our water supply is not "it must be in the water," but rather, "What, exactly, is in our water?"
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