We seem to be clinging to a theme this week, so I'll bring it home here with the Farmacist Is In. The awareness of heirloom seeds is gaining ground. [pun intended] The integrity of the food supply will have a direct affect on our health. As we mentioned in another article, health care costs are skyrocketing, and what we're not being told, is our food is a big part of the problem.
Big Pharma and Big Ag have had a wonderful time becoming big, but now there's a problem. They are bigger than their customers/consumers can support. So now what? Enlist the government to mandate! That's been done through the Supreme Court now for years, and that also has run it's course.
As our nation has become more dependent for our very sustainability, we've become more gullible and unfortunately more impoverished. The old adage "healthy, wealthy, and wise" linked those three words with good cause. They go hand in hand. It is wisdom to take care of your body and manage your finances. When we financed our own health, we took better care of it. When our finances depended upon our health to work, we took better care of it!
One hundred years ago, if a farmer didn't til his land, plant and harvest in season, he went hungry. Or if a business man in town didn't open his shop, he didn't have any income. People used to be motivated to be healthy to live. Now people remain in horrible stages of "unhealth" to not die. People used to work to eat. Now food is provided without working.
The only solution to this dire situation is to resolve this on an individual basis. There is no program to fix this. Each of us must determine how valuable our health truly is to us. Once that is determined, we must do what it takes to accomplish the health we want to enjoy. Diet is the beginning, and the only food that truly has the nutritional value that our Creator designed is produced in soil by heirloom seeds.
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