I've been called everything from a Religious Nut to New Age, and that's from people who supposedly like me in real time. The social media gets really wild with their labels right before they judge, admonish and/or unfriend, but so far, I haven't been dissuaded or discouraged from pursuing what YHWH has revealed. He is our Creator, and when we read the first chapter of Genesis, we find He created food, shelter, and provision, before He created the creatures that would need it. For example, He separated the waters, before He created fish. He created trees before He created birds, and He created everything before He created man.
I have two theories on that. First, it aligns with the premise contained the previous paragraph. Humans are needy and want to use everything, so He created everything before He created human. Second, humans frequently think they have better ideas than G-d, so in order to wind up Creation in six days, for a seventh day rest, He had to make humans last. We're still telling Him what needs to be done on earth . . .
Our Creator made wonderful herbs and plants that have many remedial properties. The religious decision isn't in yet, but the corporate and political ones are. There is a valid reason why most studies do not show any promise in natural products and modalities. True natural products cannot be patented, therefore cannot be exclusively owned by one corporation. Natural modalities vary so widely that and many are relatively unknown, with the exception of massage therapy and acupuncture; governmental oversight and certification just isn't practical.
There's just not much money in natural health because most of us participating are not in it for the money but actually for our health and those with whom we can share. Natural health is based upon our beliefs and our obedient faith. My beliefs say, Health is not in my hands, but in my Creator's and I don't have the patent . . .
When we read that scientific evidence has not been found regarding an herb or natural modality, it's often because there is no money to be gained in the evidence the research would produce.
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