What are some of the really simple ways to just be healthier?
1. Better eating habits are a must. Our bodies were created to process real food, not processed preservatives. There's no better time to experiment with a better diet than summer time with fresh produce in season. Everything that grows in the garden has nutritional value, even a few of the weeds, but I digress . . .
2. Better hygiene is essential. I'm not saying anyone is dirty, here, but our skin is our largest organ and we slather all sorts of products on it. These products contain words none of us can pronounce, much less know they are. As the summer activities begin to increase, find some natural skin care products, and read the labels. Make sure they are actually natural. The manager of Tribally Yours, LLC stands behind the authenticity of the products sold. Many soaps and skin cleansers actually contain lard or derivatives of lard. How would anyone get clean with unclean soap? Soaps with vegetable and nut oils are recommended. G-ma's Goatmilk Soap is a favorite.
Okay, I'm through advertising, but seriously, what we put on our skin is absorbed into our body and the more unnatural the products, the more our body struggles. So often we forget that our skin really is an essential organ in processing what goes on it and what is released from our bodies through the pores.
3. More exercise doesn't hurt anyone and helps most everyone! Don't spend all summer in climate controlled air conditioning! There are cool sports like swimming and keep in mind, perspiring is healthy. Perspiring not only helps cool the body naturally, but it eliminates toxins from our system. Don't get all crazy and overdo or stay out too long in high temps, but for the most part, breaking a sweat won't kill you . . .
4. Sunburn, dehydration, sun strokes, and heart problems from prolonged exposure and intense activity after spending too many hours sedentary indoors, are the biggest hazards in summer fun.
5. Remember there are prescriptions and chemicals for every potential problem and symptom imaginable, while most of them are avoidable with prevention. Use common sense. It's hard to come by these days and advice is everywhere. Drink plenty of liquids, water mostly. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables, exercise in moderation and build up to it, get some Vitamin D from the sun, but know your burn limits.
Take this next month to gradually increase your activity level and outdoor time and your body will thank you for it.

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