I can't help but wonder if we don't go out of our way to cause our bodies to become ill, this time of year. Let's go over just a few inconvenient facts, that may be too late for this year, but I just thought of it.
First, from the end of November through the beginning of January, we are in more crowds than any other time of the year. We touch more dirty money than any other time of year. We touch more food, that's already been touched, than any other time of year. We have more stress than any other time of year. Our diet contains more calories than any other time of year. Our diet is lacking more fresh nutrients than any other time of year. We tend to get less sleep and exercise than any other time of year. We kiss and hug more people than other time of year. Then we wonder why we're sick?
I'm not suggesting we should all become reclusive, but it has it's perks! Seriously, there are some things we can do to eliminate some of the potential for getting sick. Be pro-active! Extra Vitamin C and D make a dramatic difference for our immune system and outlook. I recommend getting our vitamins in our diet, but I'm not opposed to supplements for an added boost. Shorter daylight hours, the change to standard time, many people this time of year, literally do not see any light of day. Sunlight is the natural source of Vitamin D, so supplement.
If you feel a bit under the weather, don't try to "outrun" it or ignore it. If you are reading this, you are on the computer, which is where Google lives. Google natural health remedies like honey and lemon tea with cinnamon. Our Creator made many natural remedies long before man thought of pharmaceuticals. It is best to ward off what's going around, rather than to medically treat something after you contract it. Antibiotics are hard on the digestive system and weaken the immune system.
Wash your hands frequently, and treat dry and cracked skin immediately. If you're sick stay home, think of others. And keep in mind, family gatherings bring a host of different bacteria the various individuals are used to but not all have been exposed to, such as the older folks are not around school children, and the children are not in and out of senior activities, so keep those things in mind. Every place we go has it's own environment for bacteria and at family gatherings, we bring them all together.
Even those who don't participate in all the holiday mayhem, we work with people who do and we're all still going to the grocery store. Those who do not participate are often Sabbath observers, which affords the body a day of rest. The stress factor is greatly reduced on many levels for those who do not participate in the Yule Time events. A few extra supplements, plenty of rest, and good handwashing will go a long way to avoid illness.
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