And that's as it should be. One of the contributors here at the Goshen Gazette wrote an article last week that really hit home. The Big Blue Bus told of a little boy that was still a little boy, thought like a little boy, and acted like a little boy, even when all dressed up. I mentioned to him, just in passing, about the concern I've had through the years of ministry, of boring the little boys that I've taught. His response was very true to his article, in that he said, "Boys will be boys, but seeds are planted." Now knowing that little boy on the big blue bus, grew up to be a man that posts Bible teachings and when he's not working, he's chasing storms, his simple statement rings perpetual truth. That little boy that couldn't stay out of the creek in his Sunday best, grew up to be a man.
What are we doing to our little boys now? When I read about the time children now spend confined in day care, it boggles my mind. Then there's time our children are spending in school as the summer vacations are being shortened. How many children, especially boys are being medicated for hyperactivity or attention deficit? There used to be an old saying about "not sitting around twittling your thumbs." That's now called video games and texting . . . Even thumb twittling has advanced with technology. As I thought of Rev. Spotter's words repeating the old adage, "boys will be boys" I couldn't help but think we've lost that and it's not fair to little boys.
A couple of years ago I witnessed a mother and a grandma deal with the children. There were a few girls and an only son. The comment was made before meeting them, "he's all boy." When I hear that phrase, I picture grubby little hands and a frog in his pocket. I plan to guard against stepping on legos and matchbox cars. It seems the phrase "all boy," used to inspire an image of a little guy taking things apart, curious as to how they work! What I saw, however; was a child who disregarded everything his mother said, wouldn't get off his tuchus to let his grandma have a seat, and ate like he had no manners whatsoever and the entire meal was for his consumption, the things he liked, that is. "All boy" used to mean masculine and adventurous. From what I saw in that situation, "all boy" was the euphemism for "all brat" and no manners.
G-d made little boys the way He made them, and there's nothing wrong with a critter in a pocket, a rock collection, and asking to keep bait in the refrigerator. There is something wrong, however; with a society that disregards the very things that make children grow and develop the way they were created. As I was working on another article, I just found myself aghast at the number of little boys that have some sort of label, be it some sort of attention issue or on the autism spectrum. I'm of the school of thought much of this could be avoided by proper diet and definitely fewer pharmaceuticals, but what if, we went back to just letting boys be boys.
What if children got to play outdoors in the sunshine, at least for awhile, every day? What if children got to get dirty and needed an extra bath before the next trip to somewhere? I know, nothing made my Grandson happier than picking fresh veggies out of the garden and eating them right there, with his grubby little hands wrapped around a fresh tomato, or picking the leaves of the cabbage one at a time . . . Kids will tell you, green beans and even peas are good, raw, fresh from the garden!
Outdoor play time for children would address many of the disorders now being medicated. Outdoor childhood activities would certainly help ward off childhood obesity, and help minimize modern thumb twittling time.
Most all people, benefit from some time outdoors. Children need to actively play, especially boys, need to be outdoors in the fresh air and sunshine, not confined to fluorescent lighting and controlled climate.
After being told for years to stay out of the sun and out of the heat, we now know moderation is possible and sunshine is a great source of Vitamin D. Before all common sense is lost, let's let little boys be boys.
A deficiency of Vitamin D has actually been linked with testosterone deficiency.
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