We are researching the reports and data regarding the safety of flu shots. I don't take them and I would never recommend them, but good reporting requires documentation, so next week, the most recent and extensive information available will be posted. Meanwhile, back at the ranch . . .
The weather is changing and we associate cooler weather with the onset of cold and flu season. Truth be told, I'd like to know how the two really do relate. I'm not so sure that it has to do with the weather so much as our herd mentality. School begins, as well as increased social settings. A real simple concept that just entered my awareness is the fact that many summer activities either involve people having space and not confined in enclosed areas, and the large gatherings often involve pools and water parks, which involves chlorine.
Shorter daylight hours alter our outlook and of course our Vitamin D. The fact that more and more of our society spends less and less time outdoors or even interacting makes school time and family gatherings even more fraught with potential exchanges of viruses and illness. Our immune systems are so burdened by chemicals and unnatural remedies, we are constantly in a weakened state. Add to it, kissing people you see once a year adds to our exposure to viruses and bacteria we are not used to.
Our bodies become accustomed to the germs in our own environment. That's why I suggest not using hand sanitizer regularly at home. Except in the case of extra company or a new baby everyone should be pretty accustomed to the unique environment of their own household. Use it once a day when coming in from work, school, or shopping, and allow your immune system to be strengthened. I also suggest removal of "anti-bacterial soap" as that is overkill. Research indicates all soap is anti-bacterial, but the ones labeled as such, often have actual antibiotic properties added. At that same time, take additional Vitamin C and if you are prone to catching everything that goes around, add some elderberry to your daily regimen.
*This information is not intended for diagnosis or treatment, but only offered as natural prevention.
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