Sunday, August 11, 2013

If Big Pharma Could Patent Pot

The title of this article, I believe, says it all.  Marijuana is a plant, hemp used to be legal, and there were many natural remedies that could actually be purchased from the local apothecary until . . .
Medicine became powerful!  The medical industry is huge and getting bigger by the day.   Now we are consuming laboratory products for our dietary and our health care while rendering creation obsolete and or illegal.  I know I'm not the only one seeing this or questioning it.

I've included an article that I find interesting as well as potentially ground breaking.

I was so glad to see that her parents went ahead and took the risk.  I was very thankful for the gentlemen that worked with them and the plants while taking a huge risk, since it was a child involved.  I have given considerable thought to this natural remedy from three perspectives.  One, as an herbalist who believes fully in our Creator, I have studied the value of what He made and the Instructions He's given.  Two, as a person with MS, I've read some really positive reports regarding the use of cannabis in symptom management, but it isn't legal in my state, therefore I don't use it.  Three, I don't believe in medical health care as it is.  For religious reasons, I believe 100% of my health care is between my Creator and myself, so I don't go to doctors and I don't use prescriptions or OTC chemicals.  I haven't had so much as a Tylenol or even a Tums in over 12 years,.

This fact, from an herbalist perspective is probably the main reason cannabis remains illegal.  Herbalists are considered quacks and have no credibility in the current health care system.  The only scientific studies that are well funded for research are done for patent purposes, which brings me to the problem.  The Supreme Court just ruled that something naturally occurring cannot be patented.  With no patent, there is no exclusive ownership, therefore no trademark profits.

I want it recorded today, the 11th day of August 2013.  The day someone discovers a way to patent pot, the federal law will change.  It will be trademarked, it will be regulated, it will be controlled, it will be taxed, and it will be owned!   And once it can be exclusively owned, it will be legal.

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