Sunday, May 26, 2013


Spring is the time that all sorts of wonderful detoxifying herbs are in abundance. There's a reason for that. Our bodies really do change through the winter months. We get less exercise, as a rule, we certainly eat less fresh food, and most of have gathered a few extra pounds that will just stay, if we don't "kick them out" of our body!

One of the best ways to change our metabolism, our cravings, and increase our energy is to detox. I'm not talking about those $60.00 a month prepackaged promotionals, I'm talking fresh greens, fresh juicing, and fresh air! It's just time to give the body a healthy break from the sedentary routine most of us find ourselves in. The best way in the world to begin detoxing is to do something that works up a sweat or at least causes thirst.
The key here, is don't overdo and don't go so overboard it's impossible to maintain. The actual "detoxing tonic" should just be a simple matter of an herbal tea or beverage such as dandelion root or nettles, that lasts a month or less. The rest is a change of lifestyle, that should last a lifetime!

Begin with simple things, like extra water and less soda pop, aiming for no soda pop, but a gradual change leaves one less vulnerable to feeling cheated or deprived, so if you're a big soda pop fan, the first few days, trade one glass of soda pop for a glass of water, then increase the exchange until you're free!

Exercise is the same way. Don't run out and join a gym, if you're not even walking to your mailbox. I was a massage therapist at a Fitness Club years ago and I was always tickled to see all the front row parking spaces taken . . . It's those little things, like when you to go the store, park a bit farther from the door. On the way home from work, drive on past the mail box and walk back after you get comfy for the evening.

If you are reading this blog, then you have Google access to find yourself a simple detox tea that would address your issues and lifestyle.
* A note of caution. If you decide to wildcraft your own herbs, make sure you identify what you are looking for and the area has not been subjected to unnantural herbicides and pesticides.

One thing at a time, one day at a time. Remember, we didn't get unhealthy overnight . . .

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