Sunday, May 25, 2014

Essential Oils

In my training, we were always instructed that essential oils were not to be ingested.  I use them extensively in aromatherapy, reflexology, and massage therapy.  These essential oils can be added to the bath or fill the home with fragrance in an oil diffuser lamp.  Essential oils have been a part of my health care for years, but I've never used them in capsule form or added them to a beverage.  The link below shares great insight for those who are wanting to know about Essential Oils.

Be sure to visit The Store at the Land of Goshen for natural health and beauty needs including Essential Oils.

Sunday, May 18, 2014


We speak of "free will" and "choice" often; then behave as if we have no free will or choice about our health.  We do have a choice about our health, but we have to make that choice, own that decision, and be responsible in our claim.  If one believes YHWH is our healer, why would we choose pharmaceuticals?  Do we really think He cannot keep us healthy?  Do we really believe He does not take care of His own?  Everything YHWH created, He called good!

Sunday, May 11, 2014

The Farmacy

This photograph just speaks to me and resonates with my spirit!
We have the Instructions of our Creator and His Promise, by the stripes inflicted on His Son, and sealed by His Spirit.  Everything we need for nutrition and sustenance was created for us and YHWH said it was good.


Sunday, May 4, 2014

Homemade Formula

Thankfully, this ended well for the baby and the family.  The full article is linked beneath the excerpt.  

Even in matters of health, the doctor works for the parents or the patient, not the other way 'round.  If this family is going to continue to seek traditional health care, I truly hope they can find a doctor worthy of their trust.

>>Without issuing any kind of public statement, DHHS simply sent Alorah a letter stating that their investigation had found no neglect and was being closed.
While I am ultimately pleased with this result, I am dismayed that it even came to this.
Alorah’s son Carson began thriving as soon as he was placed on this homemade formula.
Why would a doctor choose to report a parent to DHHS when there are no signs of neglect at all and the child is gaining weight and developing normally?
Why would the DHHS not immediately dismiss the allegations of neglect when they saw the homemade formula and received documentation of its nutrient content?
Why would the DHHS dismiss the opinions of 4 professional doctors at Eastern Maine Medical Center when they cleared baby Carson for release, deeming him healthy & fit, and instead overrule their professional assessment and mandate an expensive overnight hospital stay?

Why would the state even have a say in what Alorah was feeding her son, particularly when that son shows no signs of neglect or poor health? Isn’t that a gross violation of parental rights?

Alorah thought so. In her final statement on her ordeal, she said, “Food, education and medical choices are a parent’s alone to make. Let us not become people who sit back and allow government to make choices for our families.”