Sunday, July 28, 2013

This is Not an Ad, But . . .

I've been working on some new products for Tribally Yours, and we have been delighted with the broad spectrum of uses for a couple of these newly developed formulas.

Several years ago, I formulated a liquid that could be applied with a cotton ball or sprayed topically for allergic reactions, rashes, and minor abrasions.  Skin Soother is a good product.  I've since developed a salve for feet, called Sole Soother.  My daughter calls it "miracle salve."  She uses it for everything from callouses on her feet to welts on faces and necks!

I also developed a natural hand sanitizer, called H.A.N.D. Potion.  (Healthy and Natural Defense)  Another of my daughters uses it for everything, including taking it along to avoid using the public bottles of hand sanitizer at banks and stores.  My theory is the top of that pump bottle is the "germiest" place in our society.
From waterless hand cleaning to paper cuts, the folks who use H.A.N.D. Potion claim it's good for everything!

I haven't seen the movie, "My Big Fat Greek Wedding," but the line about Windex was referenced and repeated about both products!

Monday, July 22, 2013


I began using Turmeric nearly 20 years ago to alleviate joint and muscle pain, as well as using it with licorice for a natural steroid in my effort to manage MS symptoms naturally.  I don't use it daily, but I have discovered a number of other symptoms and issues reported to have been helped by the property in Turmeric, called curcumin.

Considering the fact that more Americans struggle with high cholesterol, yet also struggle with the side effects of the chemical pharmaceuticals, the information in the included links may be of value.  Many who are not comfortable with pharmaceuticals for depression, or don't care to have that information in the "general data base" may find the reports on Turmeric interesting as well.  Psalms 104:14

 Here at "The Farmacist is In," we aren't diagnosing, nor are we attempting to practice medicine without a license.  The Farmacist is simply offering information that our readers may find helpful.  It is interesting to know, the top selling pharmaceuticals, being offered by those practicing, are the very health issues that turmeric has been used to address.

Our Creator knew what we'd do to ourselves, so before He created humanity, He created the cures to the ills.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Embrace Nature

I don't mean hug a tree!  Big Business seems to be well protected by the Supreme Court.  Let's face it, the average John Q. Public wouldn't have the money to take anything all the way to the Supreme Court, anyway, but Big Business can, and they do!

I want to take this opportunity to dispel a few myths.  First, wisdom is a gift of the Spirit, but that is a spiritual gift for service to His glory, and He shares His glory with no one.  The Creator of the universe calls the wisdom of man, foolishness.

The second myth is the line of safety between pharmaceuticals and illegal drugs.  Addiction is quite prevalent in prescription medications.  Seems it was labeled drug abuse when Elvis died of prescription drugs from one doctor, but some choose to overlook the doctor shopping when Rush's addiction came to light.  Drug addiction can happen to anyone and then control is out of that hands of the individual.  Some side effects include even more addictive behavior.

The third myth is that living by faith is not taking care of health.  That couldn't be further from the truth.  There are very clear instructions for healthy living in Scripture and our Creator has promised health to those who are obedient to His Word.

The fourth myth is that Health Care Reform is going to provide better health coverage at better insurance rates.  Most of us are aware that this is a myth.  Which brings us back to the first paragraph.  The average individual cannot fight the system.  We have the choice of trusting the system that makes over 100,000 medication errors a year or our trusting our Creator.