Sunday, October 27, 2013


Will 50 Cloves of Garlic Kill a Cold or Just you Love Life?
Research shows there just might be a connection between our "social interactions" and illness . . .

The truth of the matter is this.  Whether it's 1 clove in your marinara sauce or 50 + cloves in your soup, garlic affects breath immediately, regardless of quantity.

As the cold and flu season descend upon us, there is the question as to whether garlic actually fights colds and flu or just keeps people at enough distance that the garlic user is not exposed.  Historically, garlic has been used as a natural antibacterial agent.  Consider adding some garlic, at least to your evening meal . . .

For worktime garlic ingestion,Tribally Yours, LLC is now producing and selling a natural Breath Freshener called: "Smart Mouth."

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Headache Remedies and Prevention

People who suffer frequent headaches, be they tension or migraines, know headaches truly affect the quality of life.  There are many prescriptions on the market, as well as over the counter drugs to combat headache pain, and to prevent migraines.  Our society is so symptom focused, we overlook the fact that pain, even headache pain is a symptom, rather than the actual problem.  Headaches can be caused from everything from temporary eye strain to brain tumors, and of course, most reasons are between those two.  Stress is a big factor in what is termed a tension headache and vessel constriction is often found in the diagnoses of migraines.  Addressing the cause is key to the actual elimination of the headache, rather than just masking the symptom of headache pain.

I have to be very careful to watch that line that is drawn between suggestions, and practicing medicine without a license, so I'm sharing a link with a recipe and tutorial.  I will say this.  Headaches were one of the symptoms I experienced with MS and years ago before stepping out of mainstream medicine, all together, I was literally dependent upon the medication to prevent a headache.  Now, after over a decade of being completely medication free, including aspirin and Tylenol, using exclusively on herbal remedies for the past twelve years, I actually experience very few headaches, now.  Of course, going natural involves more than just using an herb like a prescription, it often involves some changes in lifestyles and habits, as well.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Teething eZe

Tribally Yours, LLC will be showcasing a new product soon.  When my daughter was coming to visit, she informed me that my great granddaughter was cutting teeth and needed some relief.  One of the amazing things about our Creator is, He has created all sorts of comforts for us, if we just seek.

In preparing for the visit, I decided I better mix up something, since the request had been made.  I could not wait to hold that baby, so when they arrived, I was in the glider talking to a very smiley little baby girl.  They said she'd been cranky all the way down, but as children will, she made liars out of both of them!  I truly can't say she wasn't cranky in the car, but she was grinning and talking in my living room.

When she did begin to get hungry, the teething discomfort became obvious.  My granddaughter had packed all the traditional "teething comforts" including baby pain reliever, but she agreed to try the "natural stuff."

In Googling teething products, before making my formula, I was shocked at the things they put into the commercial products.  I saw dyes of various numbers, even saccharin in one brand, and the medication that is the base for all of them comes with enough warnings, I sure wouldn't want to introduce it to a baby that is already feeling bad.  Babies can't tell us what's wrong, and I wouldn't know if the teething or the treatment was causing some of the potential problems listed.

I had already tried the formula I had come up with, and I insisted that Gma and Mama try it too.  They both commented on how little taste there was, but wasn't sure it would make a difference . . . Little Miss Zoey calmed right down after her Mama rubbed it on her gums.  By the end of the visit, my granddaughter told me she'd be needing more.  As soon as I am able to include a natural preservative, "Teething eZe" will be available.

YHWH truly does make the best remedies!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Before Cold and Flu Season

We are researching the reports and data regarding the safety of flu shots.  I don't take them and I would never recommend them, but good reporting requires documentation, so next week, the most recent and extensive information available will be posted.  Meanwhile, back at the ranch . . .

The weather is changing and we associate cooler weather with the onset of cold and flu season.  Truth be told, I'd like to know how the two really do relate.  I'm not so sure that it has to do with the weather so much as our herd mentality.  School begins, as well as increased social settings.  A real simple concept that just entered my awareness is the fact that many summer activities either involve people having space and not confined in enclosed areas, and the large gatherings often involve pools and water parks, which involves chlorine.

Shorter daylight hours alter our outlook and of course our Vitamin D.  The fact that more and more of our society spends less and less time outdoors or even interacting makes school time and family gatherings even more fraught with potential exchanges of viruses and illness.  Our immune systems are so burdened by chemicals and unnatural remedies, we are constantly in a weakened state.  Add to it, kissing people you see once a year adds to our exposure to viruses and bacteria we are not used to.

Our bodies become accustomed to the germs in our own environment.  That's why I suggest not using hand sanitizer regularly at home.   Except in the case of extra company or a new baby everyone should be pretty accustomed to the unique environment of their own household.  Use it once a day when coming in from work, school, or shopping, and allow your immune system to be strengthened.  I also suggest removal of "anti-bacterial soap" as that is overkill.   Research indicates all soap is anti-bacterial, but the ones labeled as such,  often have actual antibiotic properties added.  At that same time, take additional Vitamin C and if you are prone to catching everything that goes around, add some elderberry to your daily regimen.

*This information is not intended for diagnosis or treatment, but only offered as natural prevention.