Sunday, September 29, 2013

Cold and Flu

Many of our articles offer the perspective of our journalists, but since it is the strict promise of the staff of the Goshen Gazette to "not tell you how to think or what to think, but provide information you might want to think about," as an herbalist, I want to offer this link for consideration.

As we get more into the cold and flu season, we'll be posting articles and links for maintaining health, naturally.

Sunday, September 22, 2013


We seem to be clinging to a theme this week, so I'll bring it home here with the Farmacist Is In.  The awareness of heirloom seeds is gaining ground. [pun intended]  The integrity of the food supply will have a direct affect on our health.  As we mentioned in another article, health care costs are skyrocketing, and what we're not being told, is our food is a big part of the problem.

Big Pharma and Big Ag have had a wonderful time becoming big, but now there's a problem.  They are bigger than their customers/consumers can support.  So now what?  Enlist the government to mandate!  That's been done through the Supreme Court now for years, and that also has run it's course.

As our nation has become more dependent for our very sustainability, we've become more gullible and unfortunately more impoverished.   The old adage "healthy, wealthy, and wise" linked those three words with good cause.  They go hand in hand.  It is wisdom to take care of your body and manage your finances.  When we financed our own health, we took better care of it.  When our finances depended upon our health to work, we took better care of it!

One hundred years ago, if a farmer didn't til his land, plant and harvest in season, he went hungry.  Or if a business man in town didn't open his shop, he didn't have any income.  People used to be motivated to be healthy to live.  Now people remain in horrible stages of "unhealth" to not die.  People used to work to eat.  Now food is provided without working.

The only solution to this dire situation is to resolve this on an individual basis.  There is no program to fix this.  Each of us must determine how valuable our health truly is to us.  Once that is determined, we must do what it takes to accomplish the health we want to enjoy.  Diet is the beginning, and the only food that truly has the nutritional value that our Creator designed is produced in soil by heirloom seeds.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Avoid Illness With Diet

Here is a link to an exhaustive list of clean and unclean foods.  Better health begins with our diet.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Real Change

Having a chronic auto-immune disease myself, I do try to keep track of the latest studies.  I believe I do very well, and although I am not healed, I have remained physically active for ore than 30 years following the diagnosis.  I was diagnosed with MS before aspartame was on the market, so the possibility that it could make me worse, didn't even enter my mind at the time.  I have secondary progressive MS.  I'm not telling my own personal health to evoke sympathy or the latest "cures."  I'm using myself as a warning for those who, like myself, have a diagnosis, but may be attributing methanol toxicity to disease symptoms.

With the diagnosis of MS, a lousy marriage, less physical energy, extra weight became an added factor.  Fortunately, there was a new sweetener on the market!  Aspartame!  I could make myself the most wonderful flavored coffees in the evenings without adding major calories to my intake.  That was eons before Starbucks.  Life began to change.  As a matter of fact, my lousy marriage was improved with a divorce, and as I got out of that funky rut, my energy began to pick up and the weight began to fall away, and my social life picked up, so although I was still using Aspartame, evenings alone with coffee and Aspartame became fewer and farther between.  As I struggled with certain symptoms, I could always enjoy the denial I reveled in, either attributing the symptoms to an old injury, or the illness.

I began my trek with MS through the days of medicine for symptom management and surgery for removing problematic organs that were "unnecessary," and hospitalizations for bedrest when nothing else helped.  I realize, that makes no sense in retrospect, but it was neatly packaged in the mid 80's.  By the 90's it was time to face the facts squarely.  I was losing about a month a year cumulatively, to body issues, and other things were just not right; all easily attributed to MS.  It was then time to come out and talk about the MS, although I was still smoking and ingesting aspartame.

A major exacerbation left me pretty frightened and very aware that allopathic medicine did not have the answers for what was wrong with me.  My diagnosis was even changed from progressive relapsing MS to primary progressive MS.  My world grew dark and I awaited a dismal fate.  It was with that new guestimation and prognosis, I began to earnestly seek what I might do differently.  It was in that search, I stumbled across chelation and what was probably very early reports of why heating aspartame could be hazardous to one's health.

I didn't stop the allopathic meds at that time, but I did stop the artificial sweetener.  That did not rectify every symptom I had, but it did alleviate some of the latest problems that had manifested and within a few weeks, I was back to my progressive relapsing MS symptoms.  To this day, I can honestly say, I'm not symptom free, but, at least; I am not suffering methanol toxicity.

I would encourage all those who have been using the artificial sweetener containing aspartame to consider a change of habit.  I'm not saying all diagnosed problems will disappear, but I do know this.  The symptoms of  methanol toxicity subside fairly quickly when ingestion ceases. 

Artificial sweeteners are not the answer to reduce caloric intake.  Artificial sweeteners actually often cause the body to crave more sweets, which exacerbates the reason for artificial sweeteners to begin with.  To date there is no physical need for methanol toxicity.  For weight management, a real change of diet and exercise is still what's needed.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Green Beans

Since I have been blessed with a plethora of green beans, I did a bit of research between picking and canning and freezing . . . I find it interesting that green beans are said to actually help boost the body's ability to produce insulin.  What a great thing to know in this diabetes plague!  The problem, is this.  People cannot gain access to this wonderful remedy designed by our Creator without either growing their own or finding a friend who will share.

Food co-ops are regulated through the roof, and to obtain the certification of "organic" to sell at Farmer's Markets is an expensive outrage.  Now, with this information, many would call me a conspiracy theorist, that our government uses the USDA and FDA to limit the population's access to natural remedies.  Well, call me what you want.  This is the information I discovered!

The USDA and FDA approve all sorts of genetic engineering, herbicides, pesticides, as just regular run of the mill products, but to be certified organic is a relatively invasive procedure and costly.  I can't help but wonder, since green beans are so vital in insulin production and diabetes is so rampant, if perhaps the meddling has rendered the fresh produce and canned goods, impotent in their nutritional support.

Here's the deal and I've got photos to back me.  I, do have a two rows of green beans that are approximately thirty feet in length, but I made a point of measuring off a section.  These, of course, are not stemmed, washed or snapped, but this harvest was picked from just two feet of beans.  I'd already harvested from those plants four days earlier and there were small beans already formed for at least one more picking of this same general amount.

Point being, I would rather go to the trouble to figure out a way to raise fresh organic produce as think about taking a shot the rest of my life and all the potential health issues that come with diabetes.  Green beans aren't a cure for diabetes.  That's the thing about natural and organic.  If we begin to eat healthier, a diagnosis of a health condition may never occur.