Sunday, June 30, 2013

Pharmacy vs. Farmacy

I've included the link to the page where this paragraph appears.  
>>Of the over 4 billion prescriptions written every year, the United States and Canada make up more than 80% of the world's prescription opioids (psychoactive medications). Between 1997 and 2012 prescription opioids increased in dosage by almost 500%. Pharmaceuticals and medical errors are now a leading cause of death. Painkillers are the leading cause of accidental death.

the fact that psychoactive medications have increased at the rate they have in just 15 years should tell us, life is not going well, if we have to continue to increase the dosage or the number of people medicated.  Either way is telling.   Medications only mask symptoms, rather than offer healing.  Setting aside the fact so many people seem to need to ease the pain of just thinking about life, let's consider the seven most common drugs prescribed, or problems for which ongoing prescriptions are written and refilled.

In the past pain medications were usually associated with injury, surgery, or end of life comfort, but prescriptions for pain relief play a regular and ongoing part in the life of many Americans.  Pain management clinics and prescriptions abound.  These drugs are serious and many pain relievers are addictive.

The next chronic health issue for which ongoing prescriptions are written is for high cholesterol.  Diet is a big factor in cholesterol issues, but medicine is easier and quicker to obtain the proper level in the blood test, but truly doesn't change the health of the individual taking the prescription.  The liver must continue to process this chemical that is controlling the cholesterol. 

Blood pressure is a terrible issue in our society for two reasons, diet and "control issues."  The most controlling people I deal with, also take blood pressure medication.  I attribute my low blood pressure to my "free-spirited oblivion" to those with control issues.  It's like I don't even have to aim at their control issue to offend them . . . but that's another article.   High blood pressure is usually also a symptom of poor eating habits.  Prepackaged and preservatives are huge offenders when it comes to blood pressure problems.

Hypothyroidism has become quite a serious issue that affects weight and ultimately can cause other physical problems.  The metabolism is exceedingly slow when one suffers from this problem, and even when one chooses pharmaceuticals, increased exercise is recommended.

Seems most everyone has some sort of heart burn, reflux, or ulcers these days.  Eating too fast, improper timing of meals, and a stressful lifestyle are all things that can contribute to the problem.  There are many natural recommendations to offer relief.  I know I personally battled with ulcers for nearly 20 years before finding the natural remedy of aloe vera, cabbage juice and cayenne.  That was back in the day when Prilosec required a prescription.

Antibiotics are used for just about everything these days, and we are seeing signs of overuse and a bacterial resistance to their effectiveness.  Then there is also the illness caused by losing the good bacteria when antibiotics are taken.  I must include an Editorial comment about antibiotics.  I truly believe they cause an imbalance in the digestive tract that actually inhibits the body from eliminating toxins, thus weakening the immune system, well beyond the immediate situation.

Folks suffering from Type 2 Diabetes have trouble with diet, they just do.  Often it has been a lifelong struggle that catches up with them in middle age. The real key to controlling diabetes is of course controlling diet.   Without proper dietary changes, the oral medication must often be replaced with insulin shots.  There are foods that truly do help the body produce insulin and as long as the oral medication can be used in treatment, the body is still producing insulin.

There are many healthy options available, without prescription.  Click the link below for more information.

For more information and the full article

Sunday, June 23, 2013

A Comparative Observation

I've been called everything from a Religious Nut to New Age, and that's from people who supposedly like me in real time.  The social media gets really wild with their labels right before they judge, admonish and/or unfriend, but so far, I haven't been dissuaded or discouraged from pursuing what YHWH has revealed.  He is our Creator, and when we read the first chapter of Genesis, we find He created food, shelter, and provision, before He created the creatures that would need it.  For example, He separated the waters, before He created fish.  He created trees before He created birds, and He created everything before He created man.

I have two theories on that.  First, it aligns with the premise contained the previous paragraph.  Humans are needy and want to use everything, so He created everything before He created human.  Second, humans frequently think they have better ideas than G-d, so in order to wind up Creation in six days, for a seventh day rest, He had to make humans last.  We're still telling Him what needs to be done on earth . . .

Our Creator made wonderful herbs and plants that have many remedial properties.  The religious decision isn't in yet, but the corporate and political ones are.  There is a valid reason why most studies do not show any promise in natural products and modalities.  True natural products cannot be patented, therefore cannot be exclusively owned by one corporation.  Natural modalities vary so widely that and many are relatively unknown, with the exception of massage therapy and acupuncture; governmental oversight and certification just isn't practical.

There's just not much money in natural health because most of us participating are not in it for the money but actually for our health and those with whom we can share.  Natural health is based upon our beliefs and our obedient faith.  My beliefs say, Health is not in my hands, but in my Creator's and I don't have the patent . . .

When we read that scientific evidence has not been found regarding an herb or natural modality, it's often because there is no money to be gained in the evidence the research would produce.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Bug the Bugs - Naturally

For those who are looking for other natural solutions.  An extra dose of Vitamin B1 daily through the spring and summer months works great!  Apparently mosquitoes detect the scent and just don't like the way it changes their target.  So do not delay, the mosquitoes are reported to big extra large this year and with all the rain, probably abundant.

G-ma's Goatmilk Soap actually has natural repellent made right into the specialty soap called "Skeeter Beater"  It is available through the store @ or by contacting the editor . . .

Sunday, June 9, 2013

A New War on Drugs

Now that many folks are dependent upon prescription pain medications, an FDA panel is advising the banning of two very common prescription pain relievers.  What happens then?  My guess is there are new pharmaceuticals that are more lending to profits.  Another guess is, this is yet another aspect of controlling the people about the same time the new Health Care Reform Bill is enforced. 

The War on Drugs that was started in the 80's and introduced to us the first of many czars in this country, has waged a war on the citizens and we now have more nonviolent prison inmates and more addiction problems per capita than  any other country in the world.

FDA vicodin and percocet to be banned . . . Advisory panel is recommending it. FDA doesn't have to take the recommendation, but they usually do.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Don't Put Poison in Your Mouth!

The promotion of fluoride was literally programmed in my youth.  I remember the tooth paste advertisements when I was growing up, with the kid greeting Dad at the door, proclaiming "only one cavity." I was never really impressed with that proclamation, as I went to the dentist every 6 months and didn't have any cavities. The recommendation was to see your dentist twice a year and 1 cavity per visit did not seem so mathematically amazing, over time!   Statistically, that would be two cavities a year.  Baby teeth aside, permanent teeth start coming in at about the age of 6, so by the time a kid graduated high school, that would be about two dozen cavities, that's 24 holes in 28 teeth.  Add wisdom teeth and four years of college and voila, the figures are identical.

I wondered then what was so great about the "Name Brand with fluoride!"

Fast forward forty years to the fact we now know, "good" teeth are basically genetic, and good oral hygeine is taught. So with those two valuable facts, what about the added fluoride? What does fluoride really do besides harden the enamel? Fluoride is toxic, although some is only "mildly toxic." To whom does it make sense to put any level of toxicity in your mouth?  To actually add toxins to a product young children are encouraged to put in their mouth boarders on abuse . . .

             Fluoride News